Fishless Cycle Brackish


New Member
Mar 5, 2013
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Hello everyone, I'm new to this whole hobby and I have a few questions. I've done extensive research but I really need specific answers. Firstly, i purchased a new 20 gallon tank with two filters, a heater, ect... And I am attempting a fishless cycle. I have added fish food, and it is definitely decaying. There are little clear white-ish strands of slimy stuff on the food that has been rotting. The tank smells absolutely awful. The person at the store I went to told me to get nutrafin cycle, use it and feed my tank as if there were fish in it. I am setting up a brackish tank for a green spotted puffer, or possibly something else (because If I get a gsp, I will have to upgrade to a 30 gal before it is fully grown.) anyways, I am getting a test kit tomorrow for ammonia and such, and I was wondering if I am on the right track, or am I not doing something right. Also, I need to know when to add the salt to my tank to make it I add it after the tank has cycled? During? Do I slowly increase the salinity for the fish in the tank once they're in there? I'm very new to this and I'd love some answers or confirmation that I am on the right track. Thanks!
exactly what kind of fish do you intend on keeping?
tropical fish in general do not require salt,
salt can be used in moderation to help heal wounds, infection, or disease, but should not really be used on a regular basis,
You can do the fishless cycle 3 ways:
1. Use a product like tetra safe start and add the fish immediately.
2. Use an unperfumed bottle of household ammonia - there are guides on how to do this if you search the internet.
3. Use fish food (which is the way I have done it in the past). It sounds like you may have added too much and you are getting all sorts of nasties in there. So tkae out all of the water, give the tank a clean and start again if you want to carry on doing it this way again. You only want to add a small amount of food daily, I.e a very small pinch of flake or quarter a cube of frozen bloodworm daily (if you can still see it in the tank the next day don't add any more).

No matter what method you use always keep a close eye on the water parameters after you add the fish.

As to when you should change your tank to brackish, it depends on what SG your LFS is keeping the GSP in if fresh then cycle fresh, add the GSP and increase the SG by 0.002 each water change until you reach your desired SG or if your LFS keeps the fish in brackish then just match the LFS's SG when cycling.

EDIT: That said I'm not sure if Tetra Safe start can be used in anything other than freshwater
another technique is using a piece of peeled shrimp or simply by buying fish for cycling like zebra danios... they were used for cycling tanks completely
This helped me a lot, but works with added ammonia. I'm also a beginner, aiming to low-end brackish (SG 1.002 at 25 C). I have written quite a bit about the startup in my (b)log below.

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