Fishless Cycle Ammonia Dosage


Fish Crazy
May 19, 2010
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Hi everyone, so basically I've been forced to redo my whole cycle over again and I'm going to do it with a fishless cycle now. I bought some ACE Hardware Ammonia 10% (Doesn't foam). I currently have a 24G/90L tank with some plants and driftwood so we're looking at around 22-23 Gallons of water.

I'm familiar with the cycle process and everything so how much ammonia should I be adding daily? In teaspoonfuls or milliliters? And for the water changes would it be 10% every day for about 3 weeks, thanks.

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An with a fishless cycle you don't do water changes

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An with a fishless cycle you don't do water changes

Alright thanks, but I read bignose pinned topic that if he did water changes the cycle would complete a few days faster the more he changed the water each day?

Thanks again
What do I input for the volume? Kind of confusing

What do I input for the volume? Kind of confusing

Nvm got it gallons of water =)

Also should I increase the temperature as well to about 82 Fahrenheit/28C?
Not sure about the water changes but I have read it goes better if you have the temp a little higher at about 28C
Yeah but you would have to re dose ammonia everyday then. This is how I am doing it.

Add 5ppm Ammonia
Wait for it to drop to around 1ppm
Re-dose it back up to 4ppm
Once 4ppm ammonia will will drop back to 0ppm in 12 hours this means yo have conquered that hill.
Continue to feed the bacteria ammonia

Check for Nitrite
Nitrite takes longer to process than ammonia
Keep feeding the bacteria ammonia

Once the tank can process 4-5ppm of ammonia back to zero ammonia and nitrite in 12hours you have completed it.

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An with a fishless cycle you don't do water changes

Alright thanks, but I read bignose pinned topic that if he did water changes the cycle would complete a few days faster the more he changed the water each day?

Thanks again

You don't have to change water during a fishless cycle but if you do you'll finish about a week earlier than if you don't. When the ammonia starts to fall the nitrite will start to rise shortly thereafter. If you continue to dose ammonia the nitrite will very rapidly go off the measurable range of the nitrite test. So you should change the water to keep the nitrite in the measurable range. That reduces the inhibition caused by the nitrite and shortens the cycle.

The recommended dose here is 4 or 5ppm ammonia but this produces a vastly overlarge, and unnecessary, bacteria population. I never dose above 1ppm and I'd advise you to do the same.

Increase the temperature to 30C, make sure you are aerating the water very well and keep an eye on pH. Ideally keep the pH at 8.2 by dosing with bicarbonate of soda. keep the tank lights off and don't add any plants until the cycle is finished.
as phoenix said the temp being higher increases the speed but make sure your filter out-take is creating enough agitation to replace the oxygen levels (bacteria needs air too)
So would I be fine getting the water stats every other day? Thanks for input guys

as phoenix said the temp being higher increases the speed but make sure your filter out-take is creating enough agitation to replace the oxygen levels (bacteria needs air too)

Ye I just bought a new Penguin150 2 months ago for up to 30G so that shouldn't b a problem.
Alright so I dosed 4.3mL and increased temp to about 82F/28C. So can I check the ammonia levels every day or can I do it every other day?
Personally I would check everyday. But on the flip side you won't get any movement for a while.

Best to check then you dont miss a moment if your ammonia goes to 0ppm then you can redose. You don't want to miss that.

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