March 2017 Tank of the Month Begins!


Staff member
Jun 28, 2016
Reaction score
Austin, TX
fishforums-toftm-jpg.82047 is proud to announce the March 2017 Tank of the Month Contest!

How do I enter?
Post one photo and/or video in this thread along with a nice detailed write-up of your tank. The write up should include a good description of your tank, water parameters, tank maintenance procedures, feeding schedules, etc. This month we are going to up the prize to $50.00 for the winner! So get out your cameras and put on your writing caps!

* You must be the owner of the tank.
* Video can be uploaded to youtube, and then a link to the video may be posted in this thread.
* Only one photo will be allowed, so make it your best!
* A description is required!
* You can only win once every 3 months

This month we are going to leave this thread open for more then 2 weeks to give everyone plenty of time to enter. The deadline for entries is March 29th, 2017 at 03:00 PM EST. The winner will be selected by the staff and announced on the last day of the month.

Good luck everyone, and may the best Tank win!

What do I win?
The winner will receive a $50.00 USD Amazon Gift Card. If Amazon is unavailable in your area then we'll issue a $50.00 USD Gift sent via Paypal.

Everyone is welcome to participate, so jump right in and enter today!
Too bad I can;'t enter til next month I think But wil lthe 50$ still be oging next month or is this one time only thing? But good luck to all who enter!
Too bad I can;'t enter til next month I think But wil lthe 50$ still be oging next month or is this one time only thing? But good luck to all who enter!

The prize will change every month. I'm not sure what next month will hold. :)

Its a good thing the disagree button was removed because what I am about to say will be controversial.

I think there should be no money prize for TOTM, Just a TOTM winner badge under your avatar, for 12 months. I also think that there should be a Tank of the year competition, with only TOTM winners eligible to enter, Basically at the end of the year the 12 winning TOTM entries are put in 1 post and we get to vote on the Tank of the year. Winner gets $100 and a tank of the year badge under their avatar for a year.

When I won I decided not to accept the $25 voucher I donated it to the site because I consider myself a part of this community and want to see it prosper and that money might pay a months server fees or what ever the site needs.

Just my opinion.
Hmm I do think that is a good idea but instead of totally eliminating prize money for tank of month I think it should be lessened to make 15-20 dollars? Or 10 dollars whichever one.So then tank of year could be about 70-80 dollars AND a badge for 12 months also it would give people more time to grow out there tanks as mine (thank god diatoms are gone) has just began to regrow after I rescaped it Iwagumi style and otherwise one more questio.Does anyone like Iwagumi style tanks?
Hello all

My tank is a Juwel Lido 200 - 200 litre capacity, built in filtration as well as additional water circulation with a powerhead (2000lph total).
Lighting is stock (2x28w T5 tubes)
Pressurised CO2 injection at 30ppm
I dose 5ml of Aqua Essentials neutro CO2 and 10ml of Aqua Essentials Neutro plus daily.
Inert black sand substrate
My water parameters are as follows:
Ammonia 0ppm nitrite 0ppm nitrate 10ppm, pH 6.5-7 (drops when CO2 is on) gH 6 degrees, kH 6 degrees - I change 50% of the water each week.
Current plant list:
Hygrophila polysperma, Valiseneria nana, Heteranthera zosterifolia, Rotala walicii, Hemianthus callitrichoides, Pogostemon helferiand Cryptocorynes of the following species: Wendtii green, brown, red, bullosa, undulatus, parva, beckettii x petchii and lucens.

Current inhabitants:
6 juvinile angel fish
Breeding pair of keyhole cichlids
Breeding pair of Apistogramma cacatuoides
12 red eye Tetra
10 Dward Neon Rainbowfish
2 guppies (I fed a batch of fry and these 2 made it)
8 bronze and 6 albino Corydoras (may be more as they are breeding)
6 Corydoras julii
1 Bristlenose Pleco
8 marbled hatchetfish

I feed flake, Catfish pellets and algae wafers daily, supplemented by either frozen or live Daphnia, Bloodworm, Tubifex and Brineshrimp twice a week, I do sometimes feed Cyclops and Rotifiers if there are fry in the tank.

I'm uploading the photo from my phone so I'm hoping it doesn't ruin the quality


  • IMG_3346.JPG
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Its a good thing the disagree button was removed because what I am about to say will be controversial.

I think there should be no money prize for TOTM, Just a TOTM winner badge under your avatar, for 12 months. I also think that there should be a Tank of the year competition, with only TOTM winners eligible to enter, Basically at the end of the year the 12 winning TOTM entries are put in 1 post and we get to vote on the Tank of the year. Winner gets $100 and a tank of the year badge under their avatar for a year.

When I won I decided not to accept the $25 voucher I donated it to the site because I consider myself a part of this community and want to see it prosper and that money might pay a months server fees or what ever the site needs.

Just my opinion. it

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
Hello all

My tank is a Juwel Lido 200 - 200 litre capacity, built in filtration as well as additional water circulation with a powerhead (2000lph total).
Lighting is stock (2x28w T5 tubes)
Pressurised CO2 injection at 30ppm
I dose 5ml of Aqua Essentials neutro CO2 and 10ml of Aqua Essentials Neutro plus daily.
Inert black sand substrate
My water parameters are as follows:
Ammonia 0ppm nitrite 0ppm nitrate 10ppm, pH 6.5-7 (drops when CO2 is on) gH 6 degrees, kH 6 degrees - I change 50% of the water each week.
Current plant list:
Hygrophila polysperma, Valiseneria nana, Heteranthera zosterifolia, Rotala walicii, Hemianthus callitrichoides, Pogostemon helferiand Cryptocorynes of the following species: Wendtii green, brown, red, bullosa, undulatus, parva, beckettii x petchii and lucens.

Current inhabitants:
6 juvinile angel fish
Breeding pair of keyhole cichlids
Breeding pair of Apistogramma cacatuoides
12 red eye Tetra
10 Dward Neon Rainbowfish
2 guppies (I fed a batch of fry and these 2 made it)
8 bronze and 6 albino Corydoras (may be more as they are breeding)
6 Corydoras julii
1 Bristlenose Pleco
8 marbled hatchetfish

I feed flake, Catfish pellets and algae wafers daily, supplemented by either frozen or live Daphnia, Bloodworm, Tubifex and Brineshrimp twice a week, I do sometimes feed Cyclops and Rotifiers if there are fry in the tank.

I'm uploading the photo from my phone so I'm hoping it doesn't ruin the quality
Finally.....first time I think ive seen it. Very impressive. Love the layout. Typically not a fan of taller tanks but I like it.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
This is my 10 gallon Marineland aquarium.
~2ft. x 1ft.


HOB filter, came with tank

In-tank heater, came with tank

Small gravel, ~2in. deep

Plastic rock decór, purchased at Petsmart

1 large Anubias Nana, 1 medium Anubias which I don't remember, and 3 small grass plants which I don't remember

1 very old guppy, 4 1-year-old Harlequin Rasboras, 2 False Julii cories, and 1 very, very fat Monkey Loach. And, about 60 snails of various sizes and shapes.
Water Parameters:
Nitrate 10
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
Chlorine 0
pH 7.5
GH ~350

Temp: 78° F

Sun, Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri: Morning and evening.
Wed, Sat: Fast days.

Saturday afternoon, once a week. Vacuuming every time, alternating weeks on sponging the sides. Carbon filter changed once a month.
Other Info:
I received this tank for my birthday last year in January. It took me till February to get it set up, and I then waited a week to get fish... I did not know much about cycling back then. I bought the remaining guppy, who's name is Max, and Gordon, another guppy. A week later, I bought a guppy named Coral.
I then bought the 4 Harlequin Rasboras, two a week. Shortly thereafter, Gordon died of a genetic disorder where his spine curves, making it hard to swim, and eventually crushing his organs. It was really sad, and he looked so horrible...
I then bought a different, bigger guppy named Sammy. He and Max didn't get along very well. It is my belief that Gordon's death affected Max, making him irritable... which he then took out upon Sammy.
Meanwhile, poor Coral had the same disease Gordon did, and was slowly dying away. A few months after I got Sammy, Coral died, as well as Sammy the next day. That was pretty horrible, and that was when I decided to never euthanize a fish.
And so I was left with an irritable Max and 4 Harlequins. Another week later, I purchased my two cories, which I named Cory and Dory. And then I bought Joe, the snail who's children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, great GREAT grandchildren, and their children now live in my tank.
Eventually Joe's children took over the tank. I caved in and bought a very slender Monkey Loach named Kyle. Poor Kyle has so much to eat, he now always looks as though he has eaten a marble.
The tank's inhabitants now live in harmony, and shall until the day Max dies. I plan to get another monkey loach when that happens.

Thank you for your patience while reading this very long post. I hope to win, but wish all of luck to the other lovely contestants!
I always wanted to see this tank and now I can.It looks great!I bet you saved money on lights too since its by a window.
Hello all

My tank is a Juwel Lido 200 - 200 litre capacity, built in filtration as well as additional water circulation with a powerhead (2000lph total).
Lighting is stock (2x28w T5 tubes)
Pressurised CO2 injection at 30ppm
I dose 5ml of Aqua Essentials neutro CO2 and 10ml of Aqua Essentials Neutro plus daily.
Inert black sand substrate
My water parameters are as follows:
Ammonia 0ppm nitrite 0ppm nitrate 10ppm, pH 6.5-7 (drops when CO2 is on) gH 6 degrees, kH 6 degrees - I change 50% of the water each week.
Current plant list:
Hygrophila polysperma, Valiseneria nana, Heteranthera zosterifolia, Rotala walicii, Hemianthus callitrichoides, Pogostemon helferiand Cryptocorynes of the following species: Wendtii green, brown, red, bullosa, undulatus, parva, beckettii x petchii and lucens.

Current inhabitants:
6 juvinile angel fish
Breeding pair of keyhole cichlids
Breeding pair of Apistogramma cacatuoides
12 red eye Tetra
10 Dward Neon Rainbowfish
2 guppies (I fed a batch of fry and these 2 made it)
8 bronze and 6 albino Corydoras (may be more as they are breeding)
6 Corydoras julii
1 Bristlenose Pleco
8 marbled hatchetfish

I feed flake, Catfish pellets and algae wafers daily, supplemented by either frozen or live Daphnia, Bloodworm, Tubifex and Brineshrimp twice a week, I do sometimes feed Cyclops and Rotifiers if there are fry in the tank.

I'm uploading the photo from my phone so I'm hoping it doesn't ruin the quality
that beautifully gnarly piece of wood fits perfectly into the setting!
Gorgeous tank!
This is my 10 gallon Marineland aquarium. View attachment 83134 Specs:
~2ft. x 1ft.


HOB filter, came with tank

In-tank heater, came with tank

Small gravel, ~2in. deep

Plastic rock decór, purchased at Petsmart

1 large Anubias Nana, 1 medium Anubias which I don't remember, and 3 small grass plants which I don't remember

1 very old guppy, 4 1-year-old Harlequin Rasboras, 2 False Julii cories, and 1 very, very fat Monkey Loach. And, about 60 snails of various sizes and shapes.
Water Parameters:
Nitrate 10
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
Chlorine 0
pH 7.5
GH ~350

Temp: 78° F

Sun, Mon, Tues, Thurs, and Fri: Morning and evening.
Wed, Sat: Fast days.

Saturday afternoon, once a week. Vacuuming every time, alternating weeks on sponging the sides. Carbon filter changed once a month.
Other Info:
I received this tank for my birthday last year in January. It took me till February to get it set up, and I then waited a week to get fish... I did not know much about cycling back then. I bought the remaining guppy, who's name is Max, and Gordon, another guppy. A week later, I bought a guppy named Coral.
I then bought the 4 Harlequin Rasboras, two a week. Shortly thereafter, Gordon died of a genetic disorder where his spine curves, making it hard to swim, and eventually crushing his organs. It was really sad, and he looked so horrible...
I then bought a different, bigger guppy named Sammy. He and Max didn't get along very well. It is my belief that Gordon's death affected Max, making him irritable... which he then took out upon Sammy.
Meanwhile, poor Coral had the same disease Gordon did, and was slowly dying away. A few months after I got Sammy, Coral died, as well as Sammy the next day. That was pretty horrible, and that was when I decided to never euthanize a fish.
And so I was left with an irritable Max and 4 Harlequins. Another week later, I purchased my two cories, which I named Cory and Dory. And then I bought Joe, the snail who's children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, great GREAT grandchildren, and their children now live in my tank.
Eventually Joe's children took over the tank. I caved in and bought a very slender Monkey Loach named Kyle. Poor Kyle has so much to eat, he now always looks as though he has eaten a marble.
The tank's inhabitants now live in harmony, and shall until the day Max dies. I plan to get another monkey loach when that happens.

Thank you for your patience while reading this very long post. I hope to win, but wish all of luck to the other lovely contestants!
Aw, I had a guppy just like you're "old man" I loved him so much! He always over stuffed himself and got himself into trouble. I can't count the times I had to pull things out of his mouth. Once he even had to stay in an epsom salt bath for 4 days while we waited for him to poop!
He was so pretty though.
Cute Tank!

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