Fish Update, African Riverine Community.


Fish Fanatic
Jun 10, 2012
Reaction score
West Sussex. U.K
Hello all. You may remember a little while ago i started posting update videos of my tank and in particular my baby (was then) 2inch mbu puffer, ive been getting these posts out every couple of months or so to show you his progress and heres the latest video ive taken. As you can see he is growing nicely, should be a good size for a 10ft tank by the summer! Watch in HD to see the fish in all their glory! Thanks Ed
Blimey, the Mbu has grown somewahat since I last saw him/her, I'm amazed it is not tearing chunks out of the tankmates!

Any idea what happened to the Ctenopoma witht the damage between its eyes? I saw two specimens, you have got more in there, haven't you (I have 4)?

Any idea why the Synodontis euptera was breathing so rapidly?

What happened to the Pantodon buchholzi? You had at least one last time if I recall rightly.

Its a great tank, one that tempts me to broaden my African oddball setup. :)
The pantodon butterfly is up the top somewhere, he doesnt do alot and is hard to see so diddnt film him. Yeah ive got 3 of the ctenopomam the biggest one has been scarred up since i got him when he was 2inches, i diddnt notice the scars in the shop coz him and the scars were so tiny but as he's grown the scars have just grown with him. As before the mbu is totally calm and peaceful, he will not fight over space or food, when it comes to feeding he is almost polite about the whole thing sharing and taking turns cleaning out his shells. Its as if he knows how dangerous he is and doesnt want to hurt the others. Good thing really, if i had teeth like that i'd sure as hell use them haha! As before the only trouble maker and down right aggressive fish in the is the elephantnose. Thats probably why the synos were breathing heavy from being chased by that bully of a fish, bloody thing lol.
A while ago i asked if anyone had any ideas of other african beasties i could populate my future giant tank with, had some good suggestions, the banded scats being something i am keeping an eye out for. Just wondering if any more weird and wonderful african fish had cropped up on anybodys radar? Especially interested in anybody with experience of keeping these larger fish, things like the larger mormyrids like the cornish jack or giraffe cats and other big fish. Just want to get an idea of what they are like to keep, feed and their temperament. Ultimately i want to do what im doing now, just on a huge scale, a nice peaceful beautiful tank with a ton of personality!
A lot of my fish collection is African riverine (see my profile for a full list of current fish), but my larger species are...
1x ~25cm TL Synodontis notata: A diurnal, gentle giant. Loves a strong current (~5000lph in a 240l tank at mo), does not like light that much, still shy around me after owning for almost a year. Is fine with other synos including a ~18cm SL Synodontis decora (although they seemed to have the odd light-hearted squabble before the decora was passed on to join a group); S. brichardi; S. flavitaeniata; Euchilichthys spp.; smallest tankmates has been a ~7cm male Aboricthys elongatus and two ~4.5cm Chaetostoma milesi. Will eat anything, got a 72x18x18 tank to move him into as soon as I can juggle the room furniture, he lives in my garage 5x2x2 normally but I closed it down for the winter.
1x ~14cm TL Auchenoglanis cf. tchadensis: Rearmost bit of the adipose fin is the highest point, hence the presumed species ID, but be wrong. Bought as a ~6cm TL last September, this Giraffe is now growing like nobodys business and is now bigger than the four Hoplos it shares a tank with. Like the Hoplos, rather a pig at food time, but otherwise a very friendly fish with tankmates and me. Will be going in the 72x18x18 once setup.
1x ~10cm TL Chrisichthys ornatus: Bought in September as a ~5cm specimen, if I had not bought around the same time as the Giraffe, I would have said it was a fast grower! Rather inactive during the day, but loves a current when active at night. Already becoming grumpy and mildly aggressive with the Hoplos and Giraffe, this lovely coloured catfish is going to be rather nasty when he matures to near ~25cm... with a serious mouth to match (he already has a gape as big as my biggest Ctenopoma, ~1.5cm diameter)!
5x ~13cm TL Euchilichthys spp.: Already the size of adult BNs, but without the bristles and a lot less tolerant of each other, if I did not have 5 to spread aggression I'm sure there would be trouble. Had a major scare when they did not eat for the first 3 weeks, but then have ate like pigs since the first dose of Escha Exit I added, anything and everything with some comical gymnastics while trying to grasp food in their downfacing mouths. I'm expecting them to grow another ~7cm depending upon which species they turn out to be, but I think there is a mix including royauxi and guntheri at least. No problems with the S. brichardi of a similar current size, wil be going in teh 72x18x18 as well.
All my tanks get a mix of Tetra Prima; Hikari algae wafers; New Era (small tropical pellets; catfish pellets; XL soft algae pellets; tropical flake); weekly treats of defrosted bloodworm/daphnia etc. My hardest fish to feed is my female Pantodon, she gets Doromin/Cichlid XL and Hikari cichlid gold baby floating pellets, sadly as time has progressed she has stopped tolerating me drop bloodworm onto her upper mouth so she tends to miss out on treats (I might try some crickets sometime).
Heres a link to a Finnish guy's African geotype tank, it is truely monsterous and holds many fish I will unlikely ever have the room for, he is active at PlanetCatfish...

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