I have a bit of a hair algae problem growing on my live plants, I'd like to get a fish to help me out with the removal of it. I do tank maintenance once a week and sometimes it becomes a bit overwhelming. I was looking into sailfin mollies. But after reading about them I found out that they do best in brackish water and will most likely be unhealthy if kept in freshwater, so that's a big fat no. Then I read about platies, but my boyfriend doesn't like them for some reason and I have to respect that since he paid for half the tank (but I paid for EVERYTHING else, but that doesn't seem to matter). Then I read about tiger barbs, but they're too aggressive, then rosy barbs but my boyfriend also doesn't like them. So I'm stuck. The fish would be for a newly cycled aquarium. If it's a sensitive fish it can be added later, it's not a big rush. The tank is 120 gallons, peaceful fish only, semi-aggressive may work, but I prefer peaceful.