Last time I wrote about ICH disease thinking my fish got it. Now they don't have it because I don't see any dots.
Unfortunately I see other symptoms.
I was scarred of another disease called Fish TB (FISH TUBERCULOSIS/Mycobacterium).
About 4-5 months ago I got as a gift some platies and guppies and other fish.
One of them was deformed (looking down on it the fish had shape like "S"). That platie died in short time.
I remember that whole situation started from those new guppies.
Since I got them some guppies was dying from time to time. Disease develops in long time, finally fish was looking very poorly and they had sunken bellys.
Some days ago one of my female platies died. That fish seemed looking poorly from some time. In the moment of the death, fish had a normal belly, bulging eyes and was hidding on the bottom of the tank.
Lately my old White cloud mountain minnow died too. He had scales stand out (pinecone appearance), bloody husks.
Now 2 of my guppies has sunken bellys and poor condition and they swim unsteadly! I have moved them to the another tank.
On the sides of my two platies has some kind of marks. It could be losses in their husks (the marks are not big).
I have a LOW TECH tank and I threat my fish well. There is a lot of live plants in the tank. Fish eats only healthy food and I don't use any chemicals.
The fish from the main tank still rubs (it happens from 4-5 months). Five months ago I had ICH and I've curried it. Now my fish are still rubbing but it can't be Ich.
Is this a TB disease? It seems to be symptoms of TB disease but the fish having TB should not rubs. What do you think?
Could it be something different or some kind of parasites?
I want to cure it quickly(now the fish eats homemade fish food with garlic).
Does the anybody know something about how to help with this kind of disease? I would like to use natural methods and chemical treatment as a last thing.
My fish would be very grateful for some help!!
Last time I wrote about ICH disease thinking my fish got it. Now they don't have it because I don't see any dots.
Unfortunately I see other symptoms.

I was scarred of another disease called Fish TB (FISH TUBERCULOSIS/Mycobacterium).
About 4-5 months ago I got as a gift some platies and guppies and other fish.
One of them was deformed (looking down on it the fish had shape like "S"). That platie died in short time.

I remember that whole situation started from those new guppies.
Since I got them some guppies was dying from time to time. Disease develops in long time, finally fish was looking very poorly and they had sunken bellys.
Some days ago one of my female platies died. That fish seemed looking poorly from some time. In the moment of the death, fish had a normal belly, bulging eyes and was hidding on the bottom of the tank.
Lately my old White cloud mountain minnow died too. He had scales stand out (pinecone appearance), bloody husks.
Now 2 of my guppies has sunken bellys and poor condition and they swim unsteadly! I have moved them to the another tank.
On the sides of my two platies has some kind of marks. It could be losses in their husks (the marks are not big).
I have a LOW TECH tank and I threat my fish well. There is a lot of live plants in the tank. Fish eats only healthy food and I don't use any chemicals.
The fish from the main tank still rubs (it happens from 4-5 months). Five months ago I had ICH and I've curried it. Now my fish are still rubbing but it can't be Ich.
Is this a TB disease? It seems to be symptoms of TB disease but the fish having TB should not rubs. What do you think?
Could it be something different or some kind of parasites?
I want to cure it quickly(now the fish eats homemade fish food with garlic).
Does the anybody know something about how to help with this kind of disease? I would like to use natural methods and chemical treatment as a last thing.
My fish would be very grateful for some help!!