Fish Stocking


Feb 21, 2012
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Hi I have a 180 litre tank and wondering if I could put any more fish in , my tank is 39 inches long ,15 inches high ,depth 16 inches, At mo I have 1 blue gurami ,8 platys 5 blackwidows 4 clownfish , 2 yoyo , 9 kului , 2 albino algea eaters and 1 bristlenose plec if yes any ideas would like something a bit different but not sure what :good:

I know later on my clowns will have to be moved to bigger tank but not for quiet a while yet as roughly 3 inches at mo also my yoyo are pigs so would not have to be shy at getting the food quick :fun:

sorry if any spelling mistakes as school was not a great learning curb for me :rolleyes:
first question - what exactly are the "2 albino algae eaters"? Got any pictures?
Sorry no pics of albino algea eaters , they are the normal suck on glass type good when young
Filter is a fluval u4
Water regime is 20 to 30 percent each week with substrate cleaned also filters cleaned in tank water

They are gold algea eaters
is this what you have?
Yes it is , I think they might be a problem later if start to stick to other fish , if so friendly lfs will take them

they are quiet small at mo about inch and half

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