Fish Stocking Advice


New Member
Dec 3, 2013
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I just went through 2 months of hell trying to cycle my tank, and finally I think it has cycled after changing the water 2 times a day for a while.  I have 7 rummy nose tetras and 5 sterbai cori's thus far.  I don't want to intorduce too many more fish as I like to be understocked.  I'm at a point where i need some larger 1 or 2 fish to appease my kids.  I'm looking at Bolivian Rams and dwarf gouramis.  Anyone have any "personal experience" with these or can someone recommend another breed that will live in peace with my rummys and cori's????
Oh ya, its a 29 gallon tank over filtered, a bubbler and just a skull a piece of driftwood and a couple of fake plants....
Dwarf gouramis usually don't last long unfortunately, as most get DG disease :/
A gourami of similar size that doesn't get this though are honey gouramis, and they're quite pretty, though I havn't had them myself.
Do you have hard or soft water & what is your pH? I'd think it should be okay whatever those may be if you get the rams locally, but not 100% sure.
Another pretty fish you may want to look at are peacock gudgeons.

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