Fish Recommendations For 26 Liters (7 Gallons) Tank


New Member
Mar 4, 2013
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The last two months, I’m the owner of a 26 liters (7 gallons) tank fully cycled containing one male guppy and 3 young neon tetras. The water temperature is constantly between 20-23 °C. Being interested to add some more fish (I like platies) without overcrowding the tank, I would like to ask for recommendations. Also what about one shrimp or two?

Thanks in advance for any recommendation given!
If your gonna get platies make sure there all male, cause they breed about every month in a half and they have about 10-15 babies. BE AWARE ! 
Unfortunately, there's probably not much more fish you can fit in your tank, but, it i were you, I'd stick to primarily guppies or neons to avoid having to start a new school of Fish. Also,  I suggest you go to It'll tell you if you're overstocking your tank or not.
You could get some shrimp ... RCS.  But, yea, with 7 gallons there is not much you can do.  You could up the neons to 6, which is the minimum for a school.  Or maybe a pair of scarlet badis, Dario dario.  I had a pair.  They are lovely. And ever so tiny! Males are beautiful, but I think that you could only get one male in such a small tank as I believe they can get aggressive.  But you should only do one of these three.  Not all.
Neons need to be in groups of at least six, and I would imagine you're already on the edge of being overstocked as you are, before you go adding any more. Same goes for the guppies, who you'd want at least three of.
Inverts such as shrimp create such a small bioload you can easily get away with adding say 6 to your tank. As for your other fish, I would personally get rid of them and get a male betta instead, as there isn't much more such a small tank can comfortably house.
itsgoodsince1889 said:
Unfortunately, there's probably not much more fish you can fit in your tank, but, it i were you, I'd stick to primarily guppies or neons to avoid having to start a new school of Fish. Also,  I suggest you go to It'll tell you if you're overstocking your tank or not.
That's not quite the right address for the site you mean. I can't post the correct address, as the site will block it. For a very very good reason. It's rubbish.

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