We know that a stunted fish's life gets shortened, but does anyone one have any evidence/knowledge of the opposite happening.
Briefly. I found my Male Aequidenes Metae dead this morning, totally out of the blue. However for the species he was a monster of a fish, very deep bodied and he was 9" from nose to tail. My other metae I have are "normal size" my other male is approx 6" and slimmer in build the female is approx 4" which is "normal". Could his monster size have contributed to his early death? he was only about 5 years old
Briefly. I found my Male Aequidenes Metae dead this morning, totally out of the blue. However for the species he was a monster of a fish, very deep bodied and he was 9" from nose to tail. My other metae I have are "normal size" my other male is approx 6" and slimmer in build the female is approx 4" which is "normal". Could his monster size have contributed to his early death? he was only about 5 years old