Hey my brother just got this fish and he was wondering what kind of fish this was because he couldn't remember what the people at the LFS had said it was. He asked me and i said that it looked like a molly. What do you guys think?
Yeah i didnt even think about sex when he asked me but yeah i would agree it is a female. I had a couple my self and was able to breed them, but i gave up with mollies and moved to endlers.
I've seen mollies a similar colour but usually they are more of a solid colour... I would say it looks more like a female Swordtail? there is a picture that looks very very similar..
Looks like a Platy to me, swords are usually more streamlined...although something about the underside suggests a Molly. And definitely female LOL she can haz girl power!!!
Yeah that's the only problem with swords, platys, molly's is that they can look very much alike at times . Maybe my brother got a receipt that will tell him and if not then i guess he will have a mystery fish for now.