Fish Ideas To Live With Dwarf Neon Rainbows


Fish Fanatic
Jan 3, 2013
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Hey folks,

I am hoping to go to my LFS today to get some more fish. I've had my tank set up for around 6 months now and have had 6 Dwarf Neon Rainbows and four Honey Gouramis (two red and two yellow). I have lost pretty much all of the gouramis over the last couple of months plus one dwarf neon which I think was probably due to a room atomiser that I was using.

At the moment I have six dwarf neons and one yellow honey gourami and the existing dwarf neons seem to be doing very well. I wondered if anyone could recommend some fish I could buy today to go with them as the tank is looking a little under stocked at the mo.

I have a 125l tank which is well planted (artifical) and with Bogwood.

I should stay away from tetras as I put some rummynose in a while ago and had to take them out straight away as the neons were going for them really badly. Thankfully i have a separate tetra tank so were able to put them in there.

The temp is around 26 and the water is hardish with a higher PH.

Any suggestions would be great and then I can go this afternoon.

Edit: just seen a tank with dwarf neon rainbows and platies. Could this be good?
Rainbowfish tend to be quite skittish, so generally speaking shoals of at least 8 is better for these guys.
Tank mates could be similarly small sized fish species like some danios, barbs and corys.
Do research first for what is suitable for you tank size and set up before buying fish from LFS.
Ch4rlie said:
Rainbowfish tend to be quite skittish, so generally speaking shoals of at least 8 is better for these guys.
Tank mates could be similarly small sized fish species like some danios, barbs and corys.
Do research first for what is suitable for you tank size and set up before buying fish from LFS.
Hi Charlie, thanks for your reply.

I was thinking of adding some platys as I had seen them with dwarf rainbows on youtube and they look pretty good. What do you think about them with my current stock? Can also get a couple more dwarf neons.
I keep a couple of small platies together with threadfin rainbowfish in a 120L with no problems at all.   The platies completely ignore the rainbows and actually occupy different levels of the tank most of the time.  Not the same species as your dwarf neons but still, platies are generally peaceful and you said your water is hard so I think platies would be a good choice.  I keep mine at 24°C.

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