Fish friends


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Jul 10, 2017
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What can I put in with my Rasboras, Golden tetra, Neons, bristled nose Guppies and mollies to eat the snails?
Hi there, welcome to the forum :)

What size is your tank, and how many of each fish do you have? What sort of snails are they?
Hi there, welcome to the forum :)

What size is your tank, and how many of each fish do you have? What sort of snails are they?
My tank is about 150ltr
5 Rasboras
8 Golden tetras
6 Neons
4 Guppies
4 Bristle noses
3 Corys
2 Mollies


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5 Rasboras
8 Golden tetras
6 Neons
4 Bristle noses
3 Corys
these fish prefer soft water.

4 Guppies
2 Mollies
While live bearers prefer hard water.

Is your water soft or hard?
There are no snail eating fish suitable for a 150 litre tank, but you could try assassin snails.

How many snails do you have? Unless the tank is totally overrun with them, they are a good thing to have in your tank. And if it is totally overrun, try reducing the amount of food you feed the fish.

What NickAu was referring to about hardness is that you have a mixture of hard and soft water fish. Since you have soft water you will find the guppies and especially the mollies will suffer. Mollies kept in soft water often develop a condition called the shimmies, just because of the water.

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