Not a great mix of fish really. Blue Rams are better in higher temperatures than the rest of the fish and the rest prefer cooler tropical temps. Tiger Barbs actually grow quite large as well and would match the size of the Dwarf Gourami and the grow bigger than the Blue Rams I would probably opt for a smaller schooling fish in larger numbers.
I would go for a stocking more like
2 Bolivian Rams - do much much better in a community tank than blue rams
1 Dwarf Gourami
8 Harlequin Rasboras? Any small schooling fish or you could do a greater number of a micro rasbora species.
8 Peppered Corys
Cosette, every time you come up with a new stocking you do not need to start a new thread it is much easier to find and help your thread if it is in just one thread.
As for the stocking I woudl do as wills has suggested.