Fish For 25 Gallon Tank


New Member
Apr 20, 2013
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I am a complete newbie when it comes to keeping fish, so I would really appreciate some advice on how I plan to stock my tank.
I plan to get a 25 gallon tank, but when it comes to choosing which fish I become overwhelmed by all the choice!
At the moment I am thinking of a bristlenose catfish, some tetras (perhaps black widows or cardinals), a medium sized peaceful fish (I was reading that a pearl gourami might be appropriate?), and I am very interested by glass catfish also. Would this be an appropriate makeup? Any suggestions as to other appropriate fish? I don't plan on breeding anything and would like a very peaceful aquarium.
I don't plan on introducing all the fish at once, I will probably start with the tetras and then add gradually as I have read that is the right move.
Sorry if this is the wrong place for such a question/ if I am suggesting a stupid fish combination- I am trying to figure out what would be appropriate as I want whichever fish I decide to get to live happily. :)
Are you going to cycle this tank?
I think pearls need a 30 gallon. There are varieties like dwarf and honey which would be perfect for a 25 gallon.
You could get both types of tetra but id only get one larger group of one as It has a better effect. Glass catfish will also work.
Here is a rough stocking:
8- 10 cardinal/ black widow tetra or 8 glass catfish
1 honey/ dwarf gourami male and 2 female honey/ dwarf gourami
1 bristlenose
Thanks for your prompt reply. 
My only worry would be that if I have male and female gouramis they might breed? I don't know if that's likely to happen or not. The dwarf gouramis look beautiful though. 
I do plan on doing a fishless cycle. :)
OK after a quick google it seems that accidental babies would be an extremely unlikely occurrence.
*feels foolish*
In regards to small schooling fish- is it possible that glass cats would school with tetras?
My local fish shop had only one of them in with a number of neons and strongly implied that this was a possibility, but I am pretty suspicious of the information they provide for obvious reasons.
The tetras and catfish won't school. I think that the catfish will stay nearer to the top and the tetras in the middle.
Yeah, the LFS was trying to rip you off. The glass cat will be dead within the month without a school.

Good to know your gnna do a fishless cycle. Btw.

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