New Member
I have an assortment of fish foods, and am wondering what are rated as the best
Most of my foods are Omega One...the colour flakes and the general flakes as well as shrimp pellets, and super veggie flakes, and tubifex worms
I also have Hikari algae and spirlina wafers which my Twig catfish kill for
I have used Tetra flakes in the past
Just wondering what people would rate as their favourite or best fish foods
Oh yeah, I also have frozen blood worms
I also feed my Twig catfis zuchinni...blanched
Most of my foods are Omega One...the colour flakes and the general flakes as well as shrimp pellets, and super veggie flakes, and tubifex worms
I also have Hikari algae and spirlina wafers which my Twig catfish kill for
I have used Tetra flakes in the past
Just wondering what people would rate as their favourite or best fish foods
Oh yeah, I also have frozen blood worms
I also feed my Twig catfis zuchinni...blanched