Fish Dropping Like Flies!


Mostly New Member
Sep 28, 2014
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Hello all. So, recently, I've been having fish pass. My killi passed, (I possted a thread about him.) He seemed old, though.. I found him at the bottom, head pointing down to the sand, body floating up, as if his head was an anchor.
Next, I found that my female guppy had been acting strange. She was breathing rapidly, hanging near the bottom, but actively eating. I found her dead a few days later. Not sure what happened. (She was pregnant, and looked like she was going to give birth. She's had issues before.)
My next fish is my Swordtail.. Shes alive, but acting odd. Hanging near the bottom, breathing rapidly, and hiding. She is also very pregnant. Not sure if she's giving birth, or something else is going on. The dusty spot is near the top of her head.
I've recently added Mopani Driftwood.. I've boiled it about 5 times.. It has leached into the tank, but the fish don't mind it.
What are your water parameters? (pH, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)
All is perfect. pH Was a little high, but it's better now due to the wood.
Poor gal seems to be getting worse by the minute.. :c
What do you mean by perfect? How long has the tank been running? Have you added anything recently besides the wood (fish, plants, rocks)? What is you pH now and what was it before the wood? Do you add any chemicals to the water?

What size is the tank? What is the full stock?
I mean it's all good.. Last I checked. (A few days ago.) I have not. I added my two Killi's awhile back, but that was it. My pH? It's between 7.2 and 7.8.. It was a little higher than 7.8 before the wood. I haven't added any chemicals to the water. I have x2 Corydoras, x3 Swords. x1 Angel, x1 Bolivian ram, x2 Guppies, x2 Pleco's, x3 Mollies.. My aquarium is a 48 inch, about 55 Gallons *Or 40?* Tanks been running since.. Ehm.. Since June, I think.
Can you get specific numbers for your test results?
This sounds a lot like nitrate poisoning. What is your water change schedule like, volume and frequency?
She just passed. :c
I live over 20 miles away from a fish store, so I'm not sure when I can get it.
I try to change about 15% Every week.. (But I've been lacking..)
Do a water change immediately. That should help the fish in the meantime. Having a test kit on hand would be great to help you monitor all the water levels to make sure the fish are healthy. Is the tank cycled?
Having your own tests is critical when keeping fish especially if you live so far from your LFS where they tend not to be specific and say vague things like it's ok. 
We need to know the specific numbers if we are to help prevent this happening to any other of your fish.
I suspect it is a water quality issue, but we can't be sure without the numbers.
No issues today.. But my female golden wonder looks more wider in girth, but  I believe she's pregnant. She's hanging around my bushy plant at the back (Top back) corner of the aquarium. Everyone else is fine.
Sounds more like a water quality issue. Killifish are not livebearers so she shouldn't be wider due to pregnancy. However, she might be ready to lay eggs, which I believe should occur in a cave or something closer to the substrate provided you have these things for her. If she is not full of eggs, watch out for a distended belly or pine coning scales. Please try to get a water test done as soon as you can.
Tazzi said:
She just passed. :c
I live over 20 miles away from a fish store, so I'm not sure when I can get it.
I try to change about 15% Every week.. (But I've been lacking..)
Regular (meaning every week without fail) water changes are very important, the most important aspect of keeping healthy fish.  And aim for more volume, no less than 1/3 of the tank but 1/2 is better, and every week.  Set aside a time when you are normally not doing anything scheduled, such as Saturday morning or Sunday morning, whatever works best.  And keep this time scheduled as the water change and tank maintenance every week.  Once you're in the habit, it is easier.  And the fish will thank you.
A test kit is a good idea as others have suggested.  The API Master Combo liquid (not strips) has pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate.

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