Fish Compatibility

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Jun 15, 2012
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I have a 20gl tank with:

2 honey dwarf guarmi
1 neon dwarf guarmi
6 black skirt tetra

would 5 neon tetra be too much? could they live in the tank?

plese and thank you! :)
Hi Brian - how long has your aquarium been established? I think another tetra shoal might overstock you a little, but I believe a mature filter/tank (like 1+ year) can handle such a load much better than a younger tank. Younger tanks are more prone to fluctuations of quality
Hi Brian - how long has your aquarium been established? I think another tetra shoal might overstock you a little, but I believe a mature filter/tank (like 1+ year) can handle such a load much better than a younger tank. Younger tanks are more prone to fluctuations of quality

i've had my tank for well over a year. i'm very experienced but when it comes to fish overstock i try to ask other people to see what worked for them. what do you think?
My 26 US gallon is almost 2.5 years, and I have:
1. 1 Bolivian Ram
2. 1 (still small) Bristlenose Pleco
3. 1 Dwarf Gourami
4. 6 Neon Tetras
5. 8 Rasboras
6. 4 Glofish

According to the 1 inch rule, I'm overstocked, but I don't have any water quality problems, and the fish have been fine.

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