Fish attacks?


New Member
Jun 28, 2002
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I was just curious, will larger agressive fish have a go at fingers in the tank? How do you do maintainance ect. if you are afraid to put your hand in?
Hey wlbadger,
I once had a Midas cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus) that was every bit of 14". This fish hated me. Now my wife could do anything in this fishes tank, in fact whenever she would approach the tank he would come to the front and "mouth" the glass as though he was kissing it. True Story.

In answer to you question...YES larger fish will sometime try to take a bite out of you...especially if their hungry or protecting a spawn of fry.

As for doing maintainence, I would simply "nudge" him away from me with the siphon tube. Do not get distracted though as this can and prolly will lead to a nip from him.

My tigers have a nibble at me when I do a water change - they never do any damage though - it just feels very bizarre!
Wednesday night, I was filling my little test tube with 5ml of water (I fill and dump a few times to get a pure sample) and as I was doing this something bit me :eek: !!  I jumped about 3 feet in the air and yelled out, mostly of shock and surprise!  There was no pain involved, it just felt strange like Tatya stated.  My wife (scared) yells "are you all right"?  I look in the tank to see my little Tiger Barb (I have four, three big ones and one little guy) waiting patiently for my fingers to go back into the tank.  It was very, very funny!  My wife and kids were laughing hysterically.


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