Fish And Turtle In A Fish Tank


Fish Fanatic
Aug 22, 2012
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im thinking of getting a juwel 180ltr tank soon and was wondering could you have fish and a turtle in the same tank with a problem ? i have seen people do it on a few tank set ups on youtube
Would depend on the turtle I suppose. Some eat fish, require dry land areas, etc. so a bit of research would be needed on specific types of turtle.
99% chance, the turtle will eat your fish at half the chance.
Our local aquarium has a huge tropical tank with a pig-nosed (I think) turtle in it and lots of little fish, and it doesn't eat them. But as aquascaper says, it might depend on the turtle.
I have kept fish and shrimp with my little male mississippi map turtle, it can be done, but you need monster filtration, twice or 3 times a week wc because turtles are so messy. It is not something I would recomend as its awfully hard work, I have done it before in emergencies. Small turtles generally wont tackle a large live fish, but the smaller fish, although they are fast enough to escape being eaten, suffer greatly from the stress of being kept with a turtle.
cheers for the reply at the moment i got a aquamanta efx 200 so i would need to add another filter to deal with the mess and as you say 3 wc a week is quite a lot and parents are paying for the water bill
.. girlfriend really wants one in the tank . was going to keep the larger size of fish in the tank
A second tank might be the best option then just for the turtle :)
yeah think its going to be far too much work so going forget the turtle idea and just stick with getting a marine or tropical set up

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