Firtile Blood Parrot Pair!

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Fish Addict
Feb 15, 2006
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hey guys, the other day i got a male and a female bloodparrot. i already had a small female, and i was hoping to get at least one pair, its been nearly a week, and yesterday the small female laid hundreds of eggs inside a flowerpot. the large 8" male barely got in, but he fertilised 98% of the eggs, there are about 6 white ones and the rest are fertilised. niether fish are dyed. and they both make exelent parents, the male attacking your hand if you put it near the pot, and he attacks the magnafloat and if you lean close to the tank he trys to go for your eyes :/ . il get some pictures later for the thread.
wish me luck! :D

-edited for spelling mistakes :p -
Nice but I wouldnt count your parrots before they hatch :lol:

Until I see fry I will remain skeptical.2 Members of my forum ( have had fertile males.
yes but they are all fertilised besides a few. if the eggs are fertalised they will grow and hatch, the white ones will be eaten.
yes but they are all fertilised besides a few. if the eggs are fertalised they will grow and hatch, the white ones will be eaten.

A lot of times I have seen parrot eggs that look fertile but still did not hatch.Any pics of the eggs/parents?
Yeah, the eggs may be fertile but it's still possible for the embryos to die before hatching. However, huge congrats, it's exciting and hopefully they will hatch for you, it definitely sounds good so far! :D
this is the big £45 daddy 8"

actually they were eaten, but the " eater of eggs " has now been removed, the tank outfitted with a new high powered filter pump ( ehiem proff II ) and theyve laid lots and lots of eggs and are visciously guarding them, il let yoiu guys know how it goes.

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