angelfish pair breeding questions

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Apr 16, 2020
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i have 2 koi angelfish that have paired they have laid eggs 3 times i am not interested in pulling the eggs yet bc i don't have anywhere to put all those fry i heard they might parent the eggs after a bunch of tries.
each time they have eaten the eggs with in 3 days although the last time it was less then 24 hours. i have a few guppies in the tank and 2 cribs.

my question is they are fighting all the time the male is pretty aggressive toward the female and they lock jaws a lot. the female tail in has some tears but they heal quickly i use metaflix it seems weekly now since they started egg laying. is he going to kill her? she is like half is size.
i have 2 koi angelfish that have paired they have laid eggs 3 times i am not interested in pulling the eggs yet bc i don't have anywhere to put all those fry i heard they might parent the eggs after a bunch of tries.
each time they have eaten the eggs with in 3 days although the last time it was less then 24 hours. i have a few guppies in the tank and 2 cribs.

my question is they are fighting all the time the male is pretty aggressive toward the female and they lock jaws a lot. the female tail in has some tears but they heal quickly i use metaflix it seems weekly now since they started egg laying. is he going to kill her? she is like half is size.
Are you sure they have paired and she’s just not laying eggs ?
he tends to the eggs and i have watched them lay he goes over the eggs after she does a pass
Do the eggs ever get fertilised ? And could it be that it’s just cichlids breeding but because of the size difference it looks like aggression or does he actively chase and bully her
i am not sure i think so the first spawn 1/2 looked normal and 1/2 looked off but since then they have not lasted long enough for me to tell. they tend to be close to each other they seem to hang out where they spawn for the most part. he does seem to chase her they lock jaws she does fight back i am just wondering if this is normal
i am not sure i think so the first spawn 1/2 looked normal and 1/2 looked off but since then they have not lasted long enough for me to tell. they tend to be close to each other they seem to hang out where they spawn for the most part. he does seem to chase her they lock jaws she does fight back i am just wondering if this is normal
My partner had a breeding pair of angels similar to yours they just ate the eggs never spawned any fry but there wasn’t any aggressive behaviour apart from when they decided to eat the eggs then they would fight for the food lol they are cichlids so could be normal behaviour for them

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