First Attempt At American Cichlids


Fish Fanatic
Oct 5, 2005
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Kept everything from Malawi's to Fancy goldfish over the years, now im looking to get an american cichlid setup.  Tank is a Juwel Trigon 350 (350litres)
I took a liking to the following fish, what would/wouldnt work? And what sort of stocking levels should i be looking at, i am looking to get them at small..ish sizes (2-3")
Green Terror
Blue Acara
Jack empsey
Yellow severum
Jags would be too big for the tank fully grown, they can be very aggressive too and difficult to re-home. The others "should mix" ok, however with cichlids you can never give a guarantee, you may end up with a highly aggressive severum or GT,  it can happen. Best option is to get them small, and have a spare tank available in case you need to move any of them, you can always keep a small filter running in your main tank.
Jack dempsey's are also big for your target. I'd opt for a firemouth as they have a spectacular courtship ritual but they reach 4" which is also out of your range. Acaras would be nice but they may require more care than the others listed above
Hi I keep a BLue acara and a Festivum with a shoal of 10 denisoni barbs in my 6ft tank and thay get on ok.
Not sure about a trigon due to the footprint as you may need to break the line of sight between species.  I previously kept 2 dwarf acara with a green severum in a trigon 350 which was quite heavily planted and it worked ok, though the Severum loved to punch holes in my amazon sword plants.
I would deffinately try a dwarf pair with a larger show fish in that tank and see how it goes, they are lovely tanks also, really miss mine.
1 JD or GT and 2 Firemouths or acaras and perhaps some dither fish could work but I would strongly advise against Jags and Severums. Just be sure to provide plenty of decor in order to break up their lines of sight..

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