Firemouth Cichlid Death


Apr 30, 2012
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Today i woke up to see my male firemouth cichlid in a bad way, he was struggling to swim and was resting up a rock on his side and i knew he was dying. I was running late for work and in vein hope I left him to it, 2 hours later he had died :( He was 1 of a pair and ever since my female has hid in my car ornament and hasnt come out...strange.

I have tested my water which is 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 40 nitrates with a ph of approx 7.4/7.6. He has been in the tank for approx 3 weeks and has been fine, i feed all my fish morning freeze dried bloodworm and night flake.

Any ideas anyone as I dont want it happening again??

Thanks ben
not that i noticed, his colours were really really deep and prominent a lot more than usual, do you mean attack as in physically? if so nope, not even any signs of an attack from the other fish
the only other thing I can think of is a few days ago I added a massive rock to my tank, the PH is fine though and if the new rock had added something to the water surely the others would be suffering too?
Sometimes unexplained deaths happen. Fish can often come from stores with all sorts of internal parasites that show no sign on the fish other than just suddenly dieing. :(

If the water stats are fine, which they are then i wouldn't be too harsh on yourself. There was probably nothing that you could have done.
You're welcome. Unsure on your thoughts about adding another, but if you do, your remaining one might not take to it, so a tank rescape may be in order in an attempt to reset territories.
okies, im planning on having another rescape anyway,ive been de barking some silver birch wood i chopped down yday to go a bit "amazonian" :)
Yeah, the wood has to be free from sap as it will leech into the water and more than likely kill your fish. The bark rots and releases ammonia into the water as it decomposes. Have a journey to your local forest or woods and see if you can source anything of any use.
Sometimes unexplained deaths happen. Fish can often come from stores with all sorts of internal parasites that show no sign on the fish other than just suddenly dieing. :(

If the water stats are fine, which they are then i wouldn't be too harsh on yourself. There was probably nothing that you could have done.
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