Today i woke up to see my male firemouth cichlid in a bad way, he was struggling to swim and was resting up a rock on his side and i knew he was dying. I was running late for work and in vein hope I left him to it, 2 hours later he had died
He was 1 of a pair and ever since my female has hid in my car ornament and hasnt come out...strange.
I have tested my water which is 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 40 nitrates with a ph of approx 7.4/7.6. He has been in the tank for approx 3 weeks and has been fine, i feed all my fish morning freeze dried bloodworm and night flake.
Any ideas anyone as I dont want it happening again??
Thanks ben
I have tested my water which is 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 40 nitrates with a ph of approx 7.4/7.6. He has been in the tank for approx 3 weeks and has been fine, i feed all my fish morning freeze dried bloodworm and night flake.
Any ideas anyone as I dont want it happening again??
Thanks ben