
The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Crazy
Apr 26, 2012
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Hello there!

Today I got the 55 Gallon tank that I was supposed to be getting in May, then June, then July, then August, then September... So a few more questions now that I've got it :)

Got a Fluval 305 canister filter with it, do I have to use carbon with it, or is it okay to use sponges? (Probably a stupid question, but I've only ever had filters with the cartridges before...)

That filter could be over 16 years old, should I replace it? (Though as far as I know in July it still worked, but it hasn't been used since.

There's also an under-the-gravel filter, but I'm using sand, will that work, and should I bother?

Cleaning before setup:
They kept everything outside for weeks, and now it's all disgusting! I'm going to scrub the tank with hot water, is there anything that will help clean out white stains, and dirt from being outside for so long?

The heater is also crusty, and gross, can I just do the same as with the tank?

I'm getting Ammonia, and adding sponges from my other (small) tanks, do things like "Ammo-lock" help the cycle like they're supposed to? Or should I just go with cycling normally? I have 5 Platys, a full-grown Golden Gourami, and an L444 Pleco is a 6.6 Gallon tank until the new one is ready, so I need to ready ASAP!

Can I put a few fish in every 3-4 days after the cycle, or do I need to wait longer?

I heard plants should go in after the cycle, and obviously fish go in after plants, but do I have to wait a few days after I'm sure the cycle is finished to add plants, and do I really have to add them after?

Thank you for any help!
You can use plain white vinegar to help clean everything. Soak the heater in a bucket of hot tap water and a couple of cups of vinegar. The water scale should wipe off, without much effort. You can do this with power heads and other equipment as well.

If the filter still runs, then there is no need to replace it.

You can add plants at initial setup, add ammonia to bring the level to 4ppm or so, and check each day. You may have to add a little extra ammonia, as the plants will use it as fertilizer. Once the cycle is finished, you can add all the fish from the 6 gallon. They are unlikely to be making more ammonia than 4ppm on a daily basis.
Thank you. I'm setting it up tomorrow, and if I don't get to fill it up then I'll be filling it up, and starting the cycle on Wednesday. Getting the plants tomorrow. Maybe the Java fern in my 6.6 will have a chance to come back to live before until I get a few batches of fry in there!
If you have an under gravel filter I can't imagine why you wouldn't want to use it,oh and I dont think you use sand with it but under gravel filters are really good, I mean you never need to buy them cartridges and stuff, I would really recommend that you use your under gravel filter.
You don't need to buy cartridges for canister filters either. Filter media, apart from carbon (which isn't needed in most set ups)and floss, never need replacing; just gentle washing in old tank water.

If the OP wants to use sand, then a UG filter would be out anyway.
Thanks for the answers! I have a small Pleco, and I'm going to be getting another one (They stay about 4" long) so I want sand for them. Plus I really love the look of sand :) I do want to get rid of the carbon, as it just seems like a lot of work if I don't actually need it.

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