Finally! Cycled!


New Member
Aug 16, 2012
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0 finally my tank seems to have cycled......2 days of testing with my API kit and ammonia now at 0! Nitrite 0, Nitrate 20ppm, ph 7.0, temp 26'c and a 125l tank!

I currently have 2 Sailfin mollies, 2males guppies, 5 female guppies (with 2 more female fry rapidly growing!), 4 neon tetras and 1 plec. So the question is how many more fish could I add without over stocking and what kind of centre piece fish could I get? Obviously I don't wanna add to fast nor other who will threaten my current fishes!

Thanks for the help guys!
Honestly, I think your tank has enough in it. What kind of pleco do you have? A common pleco? If it's a common pleco, sailfin, or any other kind that gets big, take it out and return it. Then, if you do take it out, you can get something like a dwarf gourami or something. That's all. Other than that, i woulnd't put anymore fish in it. I actually wouldn't put even a DWARF gourami in it. Your tank has enough in it, leave it be. :)

PS if you've ever read anything that says mollies get to 3 inches max, they lied. Mollies get about 5-7 inches! Now... that's no little fish. ;)
How long did it take for your tank to cycle?


It's taken 6 and a half weeks so far.....readings are again 0ammonia, 0nitrite and 15ppm nirate today so looking good.

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