Final Stocking Ideas


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2012
Reaction score
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
I've been working at this tank for a full year now, it's about time I get a final stocking and start a new tank :hyper:
Right now I've got
8 Neon Tetras
7 Tiger Barbs
2 Male Guppies
3 Amano Shrimp
I'll be upping the Neons to 12 and adding 1 more Tiger Barb
I want to add some dwarf cichlids, either 4 Apistogramma Cacatuoides, 2 Bolivian Rams, or a pair of each.
Then, I am looking into a rainbow shark, another school of something, or both, but not sure if this would be overstocking. The tank is planted, with a few caves, and filter is turning over 7 times an hour.

Any comments, suggestions, or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks :)
Thanks for all of the suggestions, guys :p
I think I might have messed up. I went ahead and bought 2 pairs of Apistogrammas, before realizing that first, I don't know if they've been bred in soft water (my water is a 7.2) and also whether one of the males will take control of both females. I'm not going to ship back, so is there anything I can do to minimize this possibility?
I'm suprised you've been able to keep Tiger Barbs and Guppies together.

Ok I would not keep a pair of Apisto and a pair of rams together.
Rainbow shark, no. Just no. Anything related to Red-Tailed Black Sharks can be pretty aggressive.
If you did get one, which I recommend you don't. You could not get any other bottom dwelling species, you would probably have to remove the Guppies and maybe the Neons too, Tiger Barbs should be ok.

I would recommend something like this:
Neons - 12 (Like you said)
Tiger Barbs - 7 (Which you have already)
Apistogramma Cacatuoides - 2-4 (They're also called Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid)
If you really want another shoaling species, get something like X-Ray Tetras, Rummynose Tetras or maybe Black Widow Tetras.

P.S I would probably take the Tiger Barbs out too.

TekFish :good:
Is there any reason why Apistos and Rams are not compatible? They appear to like the exact same conditions, and have similar temperaments.
My last Rainbow Shark was quite docile, but I wasn't sure whether it was just that individual. He was fully grown, but didn't bother the guppies and tetras at all.
I really like my barbs, and they keep mostly to themselves. Unless they suddenly go crazy, I think they are fine.
Right now the Apistos are all swimming separate, probably just exploring, but is there anything I should do before they start establishing pairs and territories?

EDIT: Posted before I was done writing
The Apistos and Rams are both Cichlids, so It's whether you could fit the territories in.
The Rainbow Shark you had sounds to me like a good find, they can be a bit funny sometimes but as long as you don't keep anything in there that lives on the bottom you should be fine.
As far as Tiger Barbs go they are fin-nippers so I was concerned about the Guppies but if it's all good you should be ok.

TekFish :good:

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