Fish Crazy
I've been working at this tank for a full year now, it's about time I get a final stocking and start a new tank
Right now I've got
8 Neon Tetras
7 Tiger Barbs
2 Male Guppies
3 Amano Shrimp
I'll be upping the Neons to 12 and adding 1 more Tiger Barb
I want to add some dwarf cichlids, either 4 Apistogramma Cacatuoides, 2 Bolivian Rams, or a pair of each.
Then, I am looking into a rainbow shark, another school of something, or both, but not sure if this would be overstocking. The tank is planted, with a few caves, and filter is turning over 7 times an hour.
Any comments, suggestions, or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

Right now I've got
8 Neon Tetras
7 Tiger Barbs
2 Male Guppies
3 Amano Shrimp
I'll be upping the Neons to 12 and adding 1 more Tiger Barb
I want to add some dwarf cichlids, either 4 Apistogramma Cacatuoides, 2 Bolivian Rams, or a pair of each.
Then, I am looking into a rainbow shark, another school of something, or both, but not sure if this would be overstocking. The tank is planted, with a few caves, and filter is turning over 7 times an hour.
Any comments, suggestions, or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks