Fish Crazy
ok set my eyes on a tank I want will be using 2 inches of black sand for plants 1 bunch of elodea densa 1 bunch of cabomba (well it looks like cabomba but might be something similar) anubais nana, java fern, java moss, water lettuce, cryptcoryne wendtii, vallis(don't know what species yet whatever is cheap that isn't giant vallis), hairgrass, saggitaria sabulta (I think its something that has survived in the darkest area of my 40 gallon for 5 months so its gotta be durable) the lighting will be 2x 15 watt t5 tubes 6700k wont have any ferts or co2 injection.
for fish I was thinking
9 neon tetra
7 platys(male so a bit smaller)
8 corydoras habrosus v
1 betta male no specific color just whatever looks nice on the day I like yellow but I have a feeling my lfs wont have that.
3 tiger nertie snails
5 amanoi shrimp
plz put forward any improvements you may have srry for any spelling mistakes as am using a laptop insyead of my usual desktop
oh and the filter will be fluval u2 filter a 150watt heater and the tank will be 24 x 12 x 15 width time depth times height
for fish I was thinking
9 neon tetra
7 platys(male so a bit smaller)
8 corydoras habrosus v
1 betta male no specific color just whatever looks nice on the day I like yellow but I have a feeling my lfs wont have that.
3 tiger nertie snails
5 amanoi shrimp
plz put forward any improvements you may have srry for any spelling mistakes as am using a laptop insyead of my usual desktop
oh and the filter will be fluval u2 filter a 150watt heater and the tank will be 24 x 12 x 15 width time depth times height