Final! Final! Stocking Help


Fish Fanatic
May 13, 2013
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Right here we go! I want to know if and what I can add to my community tank it's 165l 44g

Current stock

1 angelfish
1 gbr
2 pearl gourami (f/m)
2 blind tetra
5 platy
5 skirt tetra
5 neon tetra (going to get eating when my angel gets bigger)
5 Julii Cory.

I want colour nothing more or less because most of it is dull colours apart from neons and the platys.

So what can I add? How many?

Cheers Paul :-D
I'd honestly just get a few more of each shoaling fish (the tetras, the corys).  Having tons of different species makes the tank a little more eclectic, and little less aesthetically balanced.  But maybe that's what you're going for!  Just my opinion...
Tbh I wouldn't add anymore. Maybe up the shoal numbers on the Cory and Tetra to 6..
When the Angel is fully grown, he/she will be big.
165L is real minimum for a fully grown Angel imo.

Elrohirthehasty said:
I'd honestly just get a few more of each shoaling fish (the tetras, the corys).  Having tons of different species makes the tank a little more eclectic, and little less aesthetically balanced.  But maybe that's what you're going for!  Just my opinion...
Snap! Just as I posted ;)
Ok so first of all I would take the Neons out - as you said they could get eaten at some point...
How about replacing them with a school of Dwarf Neon Rainbows?
you might need to get rid of the blind cave tetras as there advid fin nippers
Well I did think of getting rid of the blind tetras because of that but so far (touch wood) they've been ok. Is there not a more colour fish I could replace the neons with rather than the dwarf neons as they don't interest me as they don't seem that colourful compared to other rainbow fish or maybe it might just be the ones I've seen in my lfs.

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