Filtration Placement


Aug 16, 2012
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My 6 foot 125 gal tank is finally cycled for the past few days and I'm heading out soon to get my stock. One of the things I knew about but stupidly forgot to fix was the leveling of the tank/stand. The left side is off by about 1/8th of an inch or so (3.2mm) compared to the right side. I originally wanted to have one filter on one side beside a heater, and the other filter on the other side of the tank with the other heater for some type of symmetry. The water is higher on the right side of the tank then the left side due to the small imbalance so my question is this:

Will it matter if I put the two filters beside each other on the right side of the tank so it minimizes the noise of water falling into the tank? Down the road I will get a canister filter to pretty much remove the noise since the water goes through a tube directly into the tank but I've spent probably $2100 or so on my three tanks I've setup so thats a later gift to myself. I know some fish like certain currents but will it be fine if theres more suction on one side? Or should I suck it up when I go to the store today and buy a Canister to go along with my AquaClear 110's I already have setup? if any of you Euros are at work and can reply I'd love it, I'm heading out in maybe an hour and its a two hour drive to the store so I need to have my decision made in about 3 hours or so :sick:
can i respectfully suggest you STOP.
get the tank level before you do anything.

tanks are only held together with silicone.
any unevenness in its stand. will cause great stress to the beading.

your tank has, just short of, 600 kilos of water weight.
if its slanted the lower end of the tank is taking strain its not designed for.

and again.
STOP, and get your tank level now!

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