Internals: Avoid if possible, personally they are an eyesore and take a lot of room in your tank, expect to lose some volume when using an internal
Benefits - the water stays in the tank, no pipes or hosing leaving the tank which means no leaking or issues outside the tank, can be cheap
Disadvantages - loss of water volume, harder to clean, when removing the filter to clean it 99% of the time you will get cloudy water as muck leaks into the tank
Externals: The way to go!
Advantages - better filtration, more filter media, increased tank volume, higher turn overs
Disadvantages - price, harder to set up (still pretty easy) locating a perfect place for one etc etc
Id say external all the way! i LOVE my fluval fx6 and my tetra ex1200
For your tank id recommend the tetra ex1200,
Cheapest place in the UK is...
This filter takes 30 mins to set up, comes fully loaded with media, easy to clean and maintain and is damn silent!
Thats just my input but id recommend that filter for your tank, i love mine