Filter Replacement


New Member
Oct 10, 2009
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Hi all,
I have a Juwel 240l tank thats been up and running for a few years. For filtration I have been using the std jumbo filter in the tank but it appears that the pump has died. Instead of replacing the pump on the jumbo I was thinking I could replace it completely with an external filter.
I know it would be better to run both filters at the same time for a few weeks to get new filter working properly, but without the pump on the old one this isn't really an option.
What's my best course of action?
Stick all the media from the old filter in an external one with some new  media and hope for the best?
Should I just buy another pump for the jumbo as there's a chance I may harm the fish trying to switch over?
Comments\suggestions appreciated.
If you add your current media into the new filter (put it in first, then fill in the space with new), you shouldn't have any issues, although you should test for ammonia and nitrite every day for the first week or so (in case of 'mini cycles', where some of the bacteria are lost due to the move) and feed the tank very sparingly.
Adding the old media to the new filter is far, far better than running two filters in tandem anyway.
Thx fluttermoth thats good news, I'll start shopping for external filters now.
I think this is a bit of a stupid question, but I'd rather to ask it than make a mistake

The filter I've ordered has 3 compartments in it, how should I use my old media? The old media is varying thickness's of foam & the new media will be bio-balls, ceramic rings and activated carbon.
Should I split the media between the three containers or should I stick all the old media in one?
I would put your old media in the bottom of each basket and then top up with new.
The idea is that you want your old media near the beginning of the filtration process, so the flow of water encourages the bacteria to spread out onto the new stuff. 
Thanks again fluttermoth.
Thats what I thought, but better to ask than potentially make a mistake.

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