Filter making strange noise


Feb 12, 2016
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Hello helpful people...

I might have a problem on my hands. My fish tank has been active for almost a year now, and it's got a lot of fish... 2 cories, 4 harlequin rasboras, 1 guppy (all but poor Max died....), and one very fat monkey loach... and about 200 snails. 10 gallons... quite small for all the snails... with a heater, hang-over-the-back filter (lol no idea what that's called...), and light. It's got gravel substrate, 4 live plants, 1 fake plant, and a plastic aquarium rock. Enough with discriptions... the problem is that my filter started being louder than normal today. It's hard to describe, but it sounds like a soft buzzing with a slight tthhhh sound. I replaced the carbon filter thing.... no difference. I tried clearing off the intake... no difference. I replace the carbon filter every month, like I'm supposed to. Is there anything else that I might have forgotten that I had to do with the filter?

I'm just terrified it's going to quit on me, and I don't have anywhere else to put my fish, nor do I have enough money to buy a new filter... nor would I wish to re-cycle the tank with 8 fish in it. Suggestions?
Have you tried cleaning it?
Have you tried to cull some of the snails?
If you do need a new filter, get one that you can transfer the media from your old one into. It should mean you won't have to cycle again.

That might be pre-emptive of me, you may be able to get your existing filter quiet again, but sorry, I'm no help on that.
Just as NickAu, asked, have you tried getting rid of the snails? Over 200?! I'm assuming they are pest snails, and in large numbers these guys can cause lots of problems (although having any pest snails in my opinion is bad). Have you found any snails in your filter or any eggs perhaps getting sucked up into it?
I haven't looked with a flashlight in there yet (it's very dark in the corner where the filter is). I'll try that today. Also, nothing I try with the snails actually works. Even getting a monkey loach, who does eat them, but gets full too quickly. At least there aren't snails 1/2" big anymore.... any suggestions?

EDIT- Forgot to add this. If the only media I have is a bio-wheel and a carbon filter, won't it re-cycle even if I were to move it to the other filter?
Also just thought I'd ask this here... I found this on my new plant's leaf and am wondering if it needs to go.


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Oh yeah, my power went out for like 10 minutes and it fixed my filter. I guess it needed a break?
Filters are designed to run for long periods.

It could have been snails trapped in there, or it could be that the noise was being caused by either air trapped in the filter; something resting against it, or it touching part of the tank or hood. When the power went off, it moved everything slightly, which stopped the noise.
In my filter there is a screen between the pump and the filter media. Water flows from the tank, through the media screen and then to the pump. I have found that when that screen gets clogged the pump will start to make more noise. only when it gets really clogged will it reduce water flow. Sometimes pest snails will get stuck in the screen but mostly it is organics that plug it. Pest snails have managed to get from the tank through the filter sponges, pump , screen and pumps to my spray bar and have plugged that up.
I experienced similar issues with my old filter which came with my starter tank. This was a relatively cheap filter and would occasionally make a soft buzzing noise. Unplugging it for about a minute and plugging it back in seemed to work a treat.

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