I'm not sure what you're asking. Those suggestions are filters.
- A bit on air-driven breeder box filters:
Mine has adjustable flow, but even at full force it's very gentle. Very easy to maintain, just needs the filter sponge to be washed. Always wash filter material in 'used' aquarium water. To do this, use the water you've removed from the tank during a water change. Wash the sponge very gently and be careful just to remove surface sludge. Never wash filter material in clean water, it will remove all the good bacteria from the sponge.
I recommend the air-driven breeder box. Very complex-sounding name, very easy filter to use. Make sure it has adjustable flow so you can lower it if it's too strong for the Betta. There will be no shortage of filters from you to choose from online or in stores. Read all the information on the boxes and look for any mention of how many litres/gallons per hour it cycles. If it does 550L and you have a 10L tank, it's too powerful. Tell the people in the store what size your tank is and ask for help finding a suitable filter.
You seem to be worried about cost, and you really needed a filter from day one, so here's a link to a youtube tutorial on building a very simple, basic filter you can use until you buy a better one. You'll need to buy an air pump, but they're very cheap.