Filling Out My Tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 21, 2011
Reaction score
Norwich, Norfolk
Hello, haven't posted for a while but I have recently taken out loads of Vallis because they all had algae covered over them and basically died.
The question I wanted to ask was, what kinds of plants (Back, middle and foreground) would fill out the tank because it is looking pretty bare at the moment and my fish are in need of something to hide in.
Also, ones that would need a higher light need.
Many Thanks Perry :)
How long are you keeping your lights on for Perry? The best thing to do would be to work out the cause of the algae before adding new plants for the same thing to potentially happen.

Also what lighting is it?
Well, we need some info first.

  1. What substrate do you have?
  2. What is your tank size?
  3. What lighting?
  4. CO2?
  5. Ferts?
  6. Temp?
  7. PH?
  8. General Hardness?
  9. Nitrate level?

Also, why do you want 'high light' plants. There are plenty of easy low light plants that can tolerate high light. But it sounds like you need something that's fast growing, most stems and floating plants will accomplish this.
Well, we need some info first.

  1. What substrate do you have?
  2. What is your tank size?
  3. What lighting?
  4. CO2?
  5. Ferts?
  6. Temp?
  7. PH?
  8. General Hardness?
  9. Nitrate level?

Also, why do you want 'high light' plants. There are plenty of easy low light plants that can tolerate high light. But it sounds like you need something that's fast growing, most stems and floating plants will accomplish this.

OK.I have sand as a substrate, 28G Tank, 1T9 light and it is on for eight hours a day, no CO2 yet but on friday yes, temperature 25.5'C, pH 7.6, nitrate level (don't know how accurate [API] ) ish'' 1-2ppm. The algae has been sorted, I have blacked out my tank for 4 days and it has gone :)
Thanks for the reply, and yeah, fast growing plants would be great, not high light, cheers

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