Ferts Stock Solution Question

Man of fish

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Nov 18, 2011
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I'm planning to premix my ferts but the calculator I used is telling me how much mgSO4 to use and no K2SO4 where as I read I wouldn't need the mgSO4 since I have hard water and to use the K2SO4 instead. So how much should I use when premixing?
When you read something like this,you realise how much you have to learn.......... :hyper: that's me.....lol
55g per 500ml.. then dose 40ml per 100 liters. from memory.
Ok thank you. That's 55 grams of the K2SO4 per 500 ml right?

I'm mixing the macro solution and it says 31 g KNO3, 12 g of KH2PO4, and 74 g of mgSO4 per 1,000 ml so that sounds about right for the K2SO4.
yeh I think thats about right... I stopped mixing solutions I just add the salts straight to the tank now, much easier.

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