Fert Dosing Syringe Wanted


Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2011
Reaction score
Ramsgate, Kent, UK. Big up the Kent massive! :)
Item Wanted: Fert dosing syringe, either 5ml or 10ml
Condition Required: Any
Price Limit: Errr...cheap as poss
Picture or Link to Item: Something like this? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/10-ml-Syringe-Other-Sizes-Quantities-Available-/160677586519?pt=UK_BOI_Medical_Lab_Equipment_Medical_Supplies_Disposables_ET&hash=item2569216657
Location: Any - posted

Just wondered if anyone has one of these lying around that they have spare? The ones on e-bay take up to a week to arrive, and Im impatient. Obviously cover costs etc...

Thought Id just ask incase someone can help me out :)
don't think you'll find them much cheaper than this, even if someone is good willed enough to post them.....

Go to a chemist and ask them for one, if you say it's to administer meds for a child i'm sure it will be free.
Yep, a chemist would be the best bet. Seeing as some operate a free needle exchange then i shouldn't think that they would charge you. (possibly 10p?) If not then i have a 2.5ml one i could post you? (which came from a chemist, lol.)
I have many, many syringes, but am not going to be back into work where I can get one for over a week.
Who me? If they're at work, they're my syringes. We buy the stock.
You think 53p is bad, they charge £1 by me! *need an eek emotion - chin hitting floor and eyes popping out*
They cost about 10p each to buy in quantity. That's quite a markup.

Mind you, if I was going to go to the trouble of selling them I'd have to sell loads to make it worth bothering.

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