Female Gourami With Swollen Belly


New Member
Jun 7, 2012
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I came other 2days ago to find mt female gourami has a swollen belly, my 1st instinct was she was pregnant but I thought they built bubble nests? Could she be pregnant or could it be more serious?

Thank you in advance :)
Please post a picture.

She could be full of eggs, had a big meal, constipated, have dwarf gourami disease, dropsy, etc etc!
I am off to work right now but will post a picture this evening when I get home, I hope she's not poorly :(
For some reason I can't attach a picture :( if u have an email I could send it that way! I use internet on my phone as I don't have a comp, sorry

I've noticed that her underneath fin (sorry don't know proper name) is slightly swollen where her belly is
Well, to start with, is it possible that she's overeaten? Is she showing any other signs of illness? What are your water test results (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)?

For posting a picture. Open a photobucket account and upload the picture there. Then you can post the picture here
Well, to start with, is it possible that she's overeaten? Is she showing any other signs of illness? What are your water test results (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)?

For posting a picture. Open a photobucket account and upload the picture there. Then you can post the picture here

Tests are fine, I went away for the weekend and left a TetraMin stick in the tank (I have 4 fish in total) I feed them a few pellets in the the morning, the other fish seem fine

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