Female Dropped Eggs


Fish Gatherer
Aug 25, 2007
Reaction score
Queensland, Australia
About a week ago, the LFS gave me three very eggbound females... they know I've got a lot of males and they were hoping I could get the eggs out. I haven't had much luck (as usual) but there was one female in particular that I was worried about because she was very big in size. So I set her up with the only male that I thought had a chance of wrapping her. He is a VT, a rescue and quite old I think. I had her in the chimney for two days and he was flaring and a huge nest, but had absolutely no idea what to do when I let her out. He'd swim right up to her, flare, and then sit there and not do anything. Not a nip on her and I had her out for hours at a time... no spawn.

So I was thinking 'oh boy, they're never going to do it' and I was getting kind of worried TBH because I don't think I've got anything else that's overgrown enough to wrap a female this big. Well just now I went to check on them, and the female has built a nest in the chimney and it's full of eggs.

So now I don't know what to do. I'm glad she's dropped them, because there was no way I was ever going to get them out with that male. They're just going to rot the water if I leave them there (she was in the chimney when they were laid, they are infertile), so can I remove them or will this piss her off too much? Also, she's still very fat in the abdomen. Is this because she's still full of eggs or do you think she ate some? There's something on the bottom of the chimney that looks like a white poo, which you're supposed to get (according to bettatalk) if a female releases eggs and then pigs out on them.

Should I let her out again and try her with the male? I don't think there's any point TBH, he's hopeless.
id syphon up the eggs. if it makes her mad oh well, dont want them to go all funky in there. good that she released them anyway. i cant imagine how uncomfortable that would be :blink:
good luck with her.

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