Feeding And Fin Rot


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2013
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Hi everyone,
Remember that betta, Royal, that i got that i gave a friend because i didnt have conditions to keep him?
Well my friend gave him back to me because she's moving, so now i have him back in the house.
I managed to borrow a heater from someone just till i get a heater of my own so he's fine.
His tank is temporarily small, not too small tho, just not as big as Casper's.
I'm getting a tank just as big as Casper's as soon as i have money.
So he adapted just fine to this new tank he's in now, comming from a 10 gallon with tank mates at my friend's house.
He's doing good.
He's still a little slow, not as active as Casper.
My friend kept him for two or three days and she wasnt capable of getting him to eat anything.
He arrived here today and i tried to give him pellets and flakes, no way he ate them.
Then i remembered that for a short period of time, Casper wouldnt eat at the top of the water either, so i had to get tweezers to put the food right in front of his mouth.
I tried doing that to Royal and he ate! I tried flakes, he ate just as many as i gave him (two), tried freeze dried bloodworms and he ate them. Then i tried pellets and he spit them out. Dont think he likes pellets... But Casper only eats pellets tho so i can give flakes to Royal and pellets to Casper.
Also noticed when i was putting him in his new tank here in my house, that the plastic bag where my friend brought him was full of pieces of his fins. Pretty sure it's fin rot...
I once treated Casper for fin rot with Esha 2000, it says it's appropriate for it. Is there anything else i can do to help him?
Also, do i need to feed him with tweezers forever or can i get him to eat like other fish do and how?
Thank you!
The main thing is that you keep his water spotless, plenty of water changes to ensure there is no waste in it. It's possible he isn't eating because he is unwell, and fin rot would be another symptom. Both normally come as a result of dirty water and in a small tank it's going to build up pretty quickly.
Do a 100% water change, make sure he's in nice warm water and add the Esha 2000, he should pick up. You'll know when he's feeling better when he is acting like a little piggie again :)
tunagirll said:
The main thing is that you keep his water spotless, plenty of water changes to ensure there is no waste in it. It's possible he isn't eating because he is unwell, and fin rot would be another symptom. Both normally come as a result of dirty water and in a small tank it's going to build up pretty quickly.
Do a 100% water change, make sure he's in nice warm water and add the Esha 2000, he should pick up. You'll know when he's feeling better when he is acting like a little piggie again
Did a 100% water change about an hour ago but will only be able to add the Esha 2000 on monday because i borrowed the treatment to my girlfriend (her fishy is sick too). So clean water is the best?

Royal the day i bought him, before going to my friend's house.

Royal today.
Clean water until you can medicate
And preferably warm, around 26-28 degrees C. He won't starve from not eating for a few days but hopefully he picks up soon!
tunagirll said:
Clean water until you can medicate
And preferably warm, around 26-28 degrees C. He won't starve from not eating for a few days but hopefully he picks up soon!
Alright, thank you very much!
The tips of his fins are black, look like they were burned..
Please, do not feed him flake. Flakes can cause bloat, pellets are much better.
When you feed freeze dried, do you let the bloodworms sit in some water before feeding?
I agree that clean, warm water is probably all you can do at the moment.
Blondielovesfish said:
Please, do not feed him flake. Flakes can cause bloat, pellets are much better.
When you feed freeze dried, do you let the bloodworms sit in some water before feeding?
I agree that clean, warm water is probably all you can do at the moment.
He wont eat the pellets ... No, i dont let them sit in water, should i?
If you can get some garlic juice, let the pellets sit in that for a few minutes before feeding, a lot of Bettas love the garlic juice and it is really beneficial. 
You could also try letting them sit in some water for a few minutes, so they don't float.
The problem with freeze dried foods is, they're really dry, that is why it is best to "re-hydrate" them by letting them sit in some water for a few minutes before feeding.
Not doing this can sometimes cause bloat.

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