Favorite 10 Gal. Fish


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2004
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Atascadero, CAlifornia
Alright, I just set up a hospital tank to treat my sick otto. I spent $40 to cure a $3 fish :huh: . Anyways, when he is cured, I will have my 10 gallon set up with heater, biowheel, sand, and compact flourescent lights. I hardly ever have sick fish, and I don't have a whole lot of fish, so I don't want to leave this as a hospital tank. I am thinking of what I might put in it, I already have my 25 gallon tropical community, so I was thinking of doing something a little different. I was thinking of adding some type of semi aggressive/aggressive fish that I could not keep in my tropical community.

My requirements are:

- Must be happy full grown in a 10 gallon

- Could not be kept in my tropical community tank.

- My water comes out of the well at 7.4 PH, moderately hard, so it would be best if the fish liked these water conditions

So, given this, what would you do? :huh:
I'd say a pair of german blue rams or kribs! ;) (and some dither fish)

If you feel like venturing a little more, try N Multies. This may require adjusting your water parameter.
A dwarf puffer would be perfect...I've personally never had one...but i have an empty 10 gal. which im planning on using for a puffer...Go to the odd-ball section and read up on them if your interested! HIH :D
I would definatly do a species of shellies. Like previously stated, you might have to raise your ph a bit.
After some research I see that some variety of shellie seems like it would be pretty cool to have, so industrious! Are there different varieties of shellies, ore just one kind? I also like the idea of kribs as they would be so interesting to watch. Do the dwarf freshwater puffers actually ever puff? And, is it bad for them to puff? Would they ever do it naturally without me pissing them off?, because I don't want to do that! don't even freshwater puffers like brackish water? Would it be feasable/possible/reasonable to set up a small saltwater tank to show off a few saltwater fish in a small tank like this? I don't know ANYTHING about saltwater tanks, or if any of the freshwater knowledge transferes over. :S.

Sorry for all of the questions but there are so many options and so many of you know so much!
First off, Dwarf Puffers don't need brackish.

It is bad for them to puff (it is believed) do I don't try, I keep them happy in their home, and anyway it would take a lot of annoying as they only usually puff when SERIOUSLY diestressed.
That's what I fiugured, They are still really cool fish, but if I was going to have a tank for them, it would be nice if they would try to make me happy by puffing for me like every 1/2 hour or so when I'm in the room. JK. Why do you like them so much? I think they look cool, somewhat like fat submarines?
If i were you i would definately set up a dwarf puffer tank... read up about them so you can find out more info... they are some awesome little fish... wish i had some of my own *cries*
get shell dwellers

theyre awsome :nod:
325Pilot said:
After some research I see that some variety of shellie seems like it would be pretty cool to have, so industrious! Are there different varieties of shellies, ore just one kind? I also like the idea of kribs as they would be so interesting to watch. Do the dwarf freshwater puffers actually ever puff? And, is it bad for them to puff? Would they ever do it naturally without me pissing them off?, because I don't want to do that! don't even freshwater puffers like brackish water? Would it be feasable/possible/reasonable to set up a small saltwater tank to show off a few saltwater fish in a small tank like this? I don't know ANYTHING about saltwater tanks, or if any of the freshwater knowledge transferes over. :S.

Sorry for all of the questions but there are so many options and so many of you know so much!
I found a good link with details of how to set up a 10g for shell dwellers...it's here. :)
Thanks for that link CD, I hadn't seen that one yet. Do puffers have any personality? Are they fun to watch, or are they just cute? I know that the shellies would be fun to watch. I think I'm gonna stick with fish primarily, crabs and other things like that give me the heebie-jeebies!
That is hilarious! just so people don't have to go to the link to read it, here is the funny part:

"I once saw one of my 1.5 inch L. ocellatus (very closely related species) carrying away (!!!) an Ancistrus catfish (2.5 inches) that tried to clean the shell. The Lamprologus just grabbed the catfish by its pectoral fin, carried it for 2 inches and then dropped it. It did not hurt or injure the catfish, did not even threaten it, just wanted to get rid of it."
That bit made me tempted to set up a tank for lamprologus ocellatus and chuck in a small bristlenose. *hides* I would so love to see it though!

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