Fatal Mistake, Oh God!


Fish Herder
Mar 29, 2013
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Started chatting in a FB group about fish and oh I wish I didn't..
Some of these people just, shouldn't be keeping fish, let alone trying to give advice to others.
"Um y does everyone say do that much of a water change. When you take that much water out an use chemicals to take the chlorine out your make the ammonia spike. If you do 20 percent water changes your not adding do much chemicals back in to activate the ammonia."
I cannot, what, no? Lol :(
You can't argue with these people?! - And yet.. I cannot resist. Oh wasting my life..
Just post a link to any good site, like this one.. Tell them to take their arguements to the guys n gals on here.. I know a few will put them right in no time!
Cichlid Keepers.

ADW1988 said:
Just post a link to any good site, like this one.. Tell them to take their arguements to the guys n gals on here.. I know a few will put them right in no time!
Yes some I have directed here! I was thinking about posting to advertise us anyway :)
Most dechlorinators will convert chloramines to ammonia so he's technically right.  That's why a lot of us use Seachem Prime, to detoxify the resulting ammonia.
However the amount of ammonia produced by a standard dechlorinator should be easily managed by an established aquarium, so it's not really a problem.
Had the typical "I've been keeping fish for 25 years" excuse already.. Made me lol.

daizeUK said:
Most dechlorinators will convert chloramines to ammonia so he's technically right.  That's why a lot of us use Seachem Prime, to detoxify the resulting ammonia.
However the amount of ammonia produced by a standard dechlorinator should be easily managed by an established aquarium, so it's not really a problem.
I genuinely couldn't read what he typed.
Nice translation for me though ha ha <3
25 years ago fishkeeping was very different.
It was regarded as new tech to put a powerhead on your undergravel filter rather than an air driven one, and eheim were bringing out the classic as amazing technology. I was just happy to not have perishable rubber bungs on my heaters, you knew they were failing because the tank started to electrocute you a little when you fed the fish.
DrRob said:
25 years ago fishkeeping was very different.
It was regarded as new tech to put a powerhead on your undergravel filter rather than an air driven one, and eheim were bringing out the classic as amazing technology. I was just happy to not have perishable rubber bungs on my heaters, you knew they were failing because the tank started to electrocute you a little when you fed the fish.
I admit I am a baby when it comes to the hobby, I wasn't even born 25 years ago but you have to admit, most people who use that excuse don't know much at all. I get it at work all the time too, "can I buy some 'chick-lids' to go in with my piranha and guppies, with my 30 bala sharks and red tailed catfish, no? but I've been keeping fish for years! I know what I'm doing!"
eBay is the one that gets me, some of the fish for sale on there!
People clearly biting off more than they can chew, I saw a tank a while back, 4ft long tops. Containing an Oscar, Pagasius, Black Shark and a Giant Gourami!
These are usually the type your talking about IMO.
MojoDex said:
eBay is the one that gets me, some of the fish for sale on there!
People clearly biting off more than they can chew, I saw a tank a while back, 4ft long tops. Containing an Oscar, Pagasius, Black Shark and a Giant Gourami!
These are usually the type your talking about IMO.
I must say there is a LFS near my location (won't name and shame as I could be v wrong - especially as I'm new to keeping) that house their fish in the smallest of tanks. Now I know there's an arguement that "it's because they're only there a few days at most" but this really is something else. Goldfish too, hundreds in brown , merky water. You can only see them when they squish their heads against glass. Koi outside with fungal scale problems and not seperated from others (bent spines too).
As well, fresh and marine water fish show little movement in some tanks, with some stuck to filters or laying sideways!
The shop is pretty run down but reasonably popular, but compare it to the other LFS which I use where all is clean and well looked after, no quarantined tanks, happy lively fish. Its like fishy heaven v Fishy Hell
Worth making a comment to any powers that be?
I steer clear of those sites because its not worth bashing your head against the wall.
Doing something for a long period of time doesn't mean anything in terms of knowledge.  And doing things the same way as was done in the past is also a pretty poor way of perpetuating myths. 
For example:
Medicine (Rob should enjoy this one): Years ago doctors would 'bleed' patients to remove bad 'humors'.  It was common place, and many times the patients recovered DESPITE the treatment, not because of it.  The treatment itself, doubtlessly led to many deaths as the patient wasn't able to cope with both the illness AND the blood loss.
Home canning (Yeah, obscure, but its in my knowledge field): In the 'old days', people used Boiling water baths to can low acid foods.  But the temperature of the boiling water can't actually kill the botulism bacteria that can survive in low acid, anaerobic conditions inside these containers.  As a result, food poisoning deaths were very high.  And the claims, but my grandmother did it this way, and I've never gotten sick is used as proof of its safety.  The graveyards full of food poisoning victims, of course, would be the proof of the risk. (Canning in pressure is the only safe way to raise the temp to kill the bacteria.)
Science has progressed in fishkeeping too.  Its a shame some folks don't realize that.

ADW1988 said:
I must say there is a LFS near my location (won't name and shame as I could be v wrong - especially as I'm new to keeping) that house their fish in the smallest of tanks. Now I know there's an arguement that "it's because they're only there a few days at most" but this really is something else. Goldfish too, hundreds in brown , merky water. You can only see them when they squish their heads against glass. Koi outside with fungal scale problems and not seperated from others (bent spines too).
As well, fresh and marine water fish show little movement in some tanks, with some stuck to filters or laying sideways!
The shop is pretty run down but reasonably popular, but compare it to the other LFS which I use where all is clean and well looked after, no quarantined tanks, happy lively fish. Its like fishy heaven v Fishy Hell
Worth making a comment to any powers that be?
Its always worth mentioning.  Also, its worth mentioning to the owner as well.  You might want to point out that their tanks are in such a condition that you will be using their competitors instead, because their competitors keep their tanks/fish in better condition.
eaglesaquarium said:
I steer clear of those sites because its not worth bashing your head against the wall.
Doing something for a long period of time doesn't mean anything in terms of knowledge.  And doing things the same way as was done in the past is also a pretty poor way of perpetuating myths. 
For example:
Medicine (Rob should enjoy this one): Years ago doctors would 'bleed' patients to remove bad 'humors'.  It was common place, and many times the patients recovered DESPITE the treatment, not because of it.  The treatment itself, doubtlessly led to many deaths as the patient wasn't able to cope with both the illness AND the blood loss.
Home canning (Yeah, obscure, but its in my knowledge field): In the 'old days', people used Boiling water baths to can low acid foods.  But the temperature of the boiling water can't actually kill the botulism bacteria that can survive in low acid, anaerobic conditions inside these containers.  As a result, food poisoning deaths were very high.  And the claims, but my grandmother did it this way, and I've never gotten sick is used as proof of its safety.  The graveyards full of food poisoning victims, of course, would be the proof of the risk. (Canning in pressure is the only safe way to raise the temp to kill the bacteria.)
Science has progressed in fishkeeping too.  Its a shame some folks don't realize that.

I must say there is a LFS near my location (won't name and shame as I could be v wrong - especially as I'm new to keeping) that house their fish in the smallest of tanks. Now I know there's an arguement that "it's because they're only there a few days at most" but this really is something else. Goldfish too, hundreds in brown , merky water. You can only see them when they squish their heads against glass. Koi outside with fungal scale problems and not seperated from others (bent spines too).
As well, fresh and marine water fish show little movement in some tanks, with some stuck to filters or laying sideways!
The shop is pretty run down but reasonably popular, but compare it to the other LFS which I use where all is clean and well looked after, no quarantined tanks, happy lively fish. Its like fishy heaven v Fishy Hell
Worth making a comment to any powers that be?
Its always worth mentioning.  Also, its worth mentioning to the owner as well.  You might want to point out that their tanks are in such a condition that you will be using their competitors instead, because their competitors keep their tanks/fish in better condition.
Yes I might just do that. I mean they seemed knowledgeable just neglegent in some of their tanks. I couldnt tell you the species but this fish was huge, had no room to turn and just sort of lay there in a tank thats maybe just a little bit longer than itself!
Thats part of the problem with Facebook, absolutely anyone can consider themselves a bit of an 'expert' simply because they have kept fish for X amount of years.
 Albert Einstein quoted -
"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. But so is a lot."
Never a truer word said about some of these people who parody themselves as so called 'experts' and giving some woeful advice!
Even though their intentions may be good, on the other hand should be careful about giving advice to anyone.
I cannot and will not call myself in any shape or form even as an 'amateur' in fish keeping, a very, very novice beginner at most!
Who tries to be careful with any advice given to others, I have made some mistakes and perhaps should have said different things on some posts, but the most important thing I do is to LEARN from my mistakes and try not to repeat them. 
Just wish some people will try to do a bit more research and know their limits to giving out decent fishkeeping advice.
Sophie, I have to agree with your sentiments but also agree with Eagles that you are probably banging your head against the proverbial brick wall!
I admire and very much understand your dedication and your willingness to try and correct some of these advice given by certain types of people.
All I can say now is, good luck! 
ADW1988 said:
eBay is the one that gets me, some of the fish for sale on there!
People clearly biting off more than they can chew, I saw a tank a while back, 4ft long tops. Containing an Oscar, Pagasius, Black Shark and a Giant Gourami!
These are usually the type your talking about IMO.
I must say there is a LFS near my location (won't name and shame as I could be v wrong - especially as I'm new to keeping) that house their fish in the smallest of tanks. Now I know there's an arguement that "it's because they're only there a few days at most" but this really is something else. Goldfish too, hundreds in brown , merky water. You can only see them when they squish their heads against glass. Koi outside with fungal scale problems and not seperated from others (bent spines too).
As well, fresh and marine water fish show little movement in some tanks, with some stuck to filters or laying sideways!
The shop is pretty run down but reasonably popular, but compare it to the other LFS which I use where all is clean and well looked after, no quarantined tanks, happy lively fish. Its like fishy heaven v Fishy Hell
Worth making a comment to any powers that be?
Sadly I don't believe there are any laws governing fish care, So in the eyes of the law they are fine. Someone may correct me though....
I thought there were, maybe only at the questioning upon purchase. If not there should be..

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