External Filter Question

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New Member
Mar 14, 2013
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Evening all,
Just a quick question, hopefully a straightforward one...!
I've got a Fluval G3 external filter and whenever I do one of the scheduled filter cleans (it has a total of 3) I give the bottom of the tank a quick syphon to pick up as much detritus as I can. This is all standard so far, I pick up most of it and the bottom looks pretty clear.
However, the problem lies when I connect the clean filter back to the tank; the filter has a 'prime' button on top which I need to press a few times to get water back in the unit prior to switching it on.
The problem is that as soon as I do that and switch the filter on an incredible amount of crap comes out of the outlet and after an hour or so settles on the bottom, rendering the gravel clean and the water change effectively useless.
The filter has a screen which will eventually flash when a clean is needed, what are the dangers of me cleaning the whole unit out in an attempt to get rid of as much as I can?
I hope that made sense!
Try not pressing the prime button, (while not familiar with the G3 specifically other Fluval filters 305/306 and the FX5 range will actually self prime despite instructions stating otherwise) and just rely on the Syphoning action of the full hoses, for filter maintenance you close off the valve and that will maintain the water within the pipes, opening up the valve will allow water to trickle back into and refill the filter housing (also try and top up the tank as the filter housing is filling again in a bid to keep the hoses  full of water rather than air pockets) , This is where following the advice of having correct length straight hoses pays huge dividends
I don't think it should cause to many problems if you clean the whole filter and as long as you clean the filter sponge in the tank water to get it clean then it should have no effect that's what I do anyway. Also if for some reason I need to change the filter sponge before I put it into the tank I always get it wet in the old water just so it can possibly catch some of the filter bacteria but don't know if it actually has an effect wether I was it in the old water or not from Tom
Thanks for the replies guys.
I think I will give it a full clean out over the weekend, i hold up a very fine mesh net in front of the two outlets when i turn it on to catch as much as I can but loads still manages to get out, very demoralising seeing everything revert back to nearly how it was before the clean lol.
How long have you been using this filter for?
I think you might get out of this situation with a clean of the motor/impeller!
Worth checking your hoses too; they can get a lot of crud trapped in them.
I would recommend a different solution :) Do your sheduled filter clean a day (or a few hours) before you do the gravel clean and the water change.
I've been using the filter for around 3 months I'd say...
Never thought about cleaning out the pipes, good shout!
hobby5, I've always been told to turn off the filter when doing a water change or gravel clean, i'd still end up in the same boat of having to turn the filter off and on again.
Had the same problem myself, really hated it. Most of the crud did come from the pipes!
I always connect a hose to my filter outlet straight into a bucket then turn it on, that way all the crud goes in the bucket and not in the tank then just pull the hose off the outlet while the filter is running.
what i do is place fish net over filter outlet for when you first switch filter back on and just keep it there whilst pump settles down.
Don't you find the inhabitants eat the crud within a couple of hours, mine do.
Yes, it's mainly from the pipes as said above.
Mines just taste it, and then reject it. I guess it depends on the species, I have carnivores. Herbivores may like it.

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