Expecting :)

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Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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Well, I once again have a happy and healthy female tank, but am down to just 3 females... but that shouldn't be for long!

I have only one guppy that has had babies before (Gemini, one of the first I bought months ago), but she has missed her usual drop date and her previous batch was small so I think she used up "her savings". I am uncertain if she is pregnant now or not (or if she is too old). But she has spent 2 weeks in the male tank during my tank troubles so I am hoping she has ended up pregnant. Gemini is a big girl so her size doesn't give away much of anything (and she doesn't usually have more than 20 fry)... so, hoping her gravid spot will start darkening in the next couple of weeks.

I have just one female born in my tank left, Annabel (from Gemini's first batch of fry). I had intended to have a specific pairing for her but with the tank issues she also ended up in the male tank for a few weeks, so like a mixed batch to come. Annabel is definately pregnant. She has a dark gravid spot to start with but she has begun to show a bit of rounding... but as this will be his first batch of fry, I don't feel I can tell what stage she is at in her pregnancy yet.

My one and only survivor of the illness from the female tank, Isabel, is now fully recovered. I am hoping she isn't pregnant so I will be able to pair her with one of my own males. (she has spent no time with my own males but did come from the pet shop where who knows who she spent time with). I am giving Isabel a month to wait and see if she has her own fry or is not pregnant, just to be sure she has fully recovered her strength and is in good condition for pregnancy.

So, anyway... excited for at least one batch of fry from Annabel... just wish I could tell how far along she is.... she could be anywhere from 1-3 weeks along. I'm going to guess its somewhere around 2-3 though since she has shown a big of roundness.

Adding some pictures...

Gemini... the oldest, uncertain if she is pregnant as she is always this size... gravid spot not that dark though.

Annabel, Gemini's baby who is getting round.

Isabel (orange tail) next to Annabel... looks very thin... probably not pregnant but you never know.
Of your fish, only Annabel looks like she may be carrying fry. The others do not even look heavily fed, much less carrying fry.
Of your fish, only Annabel looks like she may be carrying fry. The others do not even look heavily fed, much less carrying fry.

I know Isabel looks very thin, she is the one who just recovered from illness. But you think Gemini looks thin as well? She is the one that eats more than any of the others in either tank. I've only recently dropped to feeding them twice per day since I currently have no fry.

I love Gemini's colours! :) She's gorgeous :D

Thanks, I love her and she tends to have some nice looking babies. Unfortunately, she got some of her tail bitten off when I had to keep her in the male tank temporarily.

Gemini has surprised us and has just popped out 3 babies!! I am expecting at least 12 more as that would be a normal size batch for her. SOOOOOOOO happy after having my tank devastation to have some new little ones arriving finally!!

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