Excited! New Tank Finished

Very nice. I love it. The plants look amazing.
snazy said:
Very nice. I love it. The plants look amazing.

Yeah!! Glad someone likes it! Always nice to get other peoples opinions on it. Thanks Snazy!
Think I I'll add some more plants after payday! Lol

Do you use any ferts, CO2 for the plants?
dbanner said:
Looking good :good:

What size tank is it? Litres or gallons.
What is your planned stock?

Tank is 160 litres, am planning to put my current fish in once it has finished cycling (using ammonia method).
So am putting in 4 guppies, 3 lampeyes, 4 chilli rasboras, 2 galaxy rasboras and a Snork (assassin snail!). New stock I am unsure of yet probably some Pygmy cories, more chillis and galaxies & lampeyes and after that don't know! Any suggestions? Poss some black phantom tetra.... I like smaller fish lol

snazy said:
Do you use any ferts, CO2 for the plants?

Never have done previously, but will keep an eye on them and see if they need it! Not really an expert on plants lol
I've got swords in my tank and not using any ferts or CO2 and although they didn't die, they aren't doing great at all that's why I was asking. I'd love them to grow that big and I still have flourish excell that I bought and never used and ordered some TNC ferts to try and liven them up a bit.
dbanner said:
Looking good :good:

What size tank is it? Litres or gallons.
What is your planned stock?

Tank is 160 litres, am planning to put my current fish in once it has finished cycling (using ammonia method).
So am putting in 4 guppies, 3 lampeyes, 4 chilli rasboras, 2 galaxy rasboras and a Snork (assassin snail!). New stock I am unsure of yet probably some Pygmy cories, more chillis and galaxies & lampeyes and after that don't know! Any suggestions? Poss some black phantom tetra.... I like smaller fish lol

snazy said:
Do you use any ferts, CO2 for the plants?

Never have done previously, but will keep an eye on them and see if they need it! Not really an expert on plants lol
Sounds good and you seem to know exactly what your doing which is great :)

I would add the desired number of chilli's, galaxy's and lampeye's (say around 6-8 of each and then see how the tank is looking and go from there
dbanner said:
Sierrajuliette said:
dbanner said:
Looking good :good:

What size tank is it? Litres or gallons.
What is your planned stock?

Tank is 160 litres, am planning to put my current fish in once it has finished cycling (using ammonia method).
So am putting in 4 guppies, 3 lampeyes, 4 chilli rasboras, 2 galaxy rasboras and a Snork (assassin snail!). New stock I am unsure of yet probably some Pygmy cories, more chillis and galaxies & lampeyes and after that don't know! Any suggestions? Poss some black phantom tetra.... I like smaller fish lol

snazy said:
Do you use any ferts, CO2 for the plants?

Never have done previously, but will keep an eye on them and see if they need it! Not really an expert on plants lol
Sounds good and you seem to know exactly what your doing which is great :)

I would add the desired number of chilli's, galaxy's and lampeye's (say around 6-8 of each and then see how the tank is looking and go from there

Sounds like a plan, hope the lfs has some chillis as haven't seen them around for a while!
Might have to invest in some ferts for th swords by the sounds of things, will keep a close eye on them, guess the tank would look pretty pants if they die off! :)
I'm a fan of keeping small fish in tanks myself.

My angels are getting a little too big for my liking now - But I've had them since they were ridiculously shy babies so can't get rid of them :(

Looking forward to your tank - Love Chillis and Galxies - Never seen them in person though, which is both a shame and a blessing - I couldn't afford to buy them but I wouldn't be able not to aha.
Tbh I'm not one to go for small shoaling fish.. Not that there is anything particularly wrong with them iv just never felt the desire to keep such fish. Iv always been into predatory and interactive fish.

Predatory being things like piranhas, bichirs, Lima shovelnose... Interactive being cichlids like oscars, jack dempseys and now my FLowerhorn.

No denying your tank looks good and is going to look even better once you've upped the numbers of the fish :)
Thedoctor said:
I'm a fan of keeping small fish in tanks myself.

My angels are getting a little too big for my liking now - But I've had them since they were ridiculously shy babies so can't get rid of them :(

Looking forward to your tank - Love Chillis and Galxies - Never seen them in person though, which is both a shame and a blessing - I couldn't afford to buy them but I wouldn't be able not to aha.

Well I thoroughly recommend them, if you ever find yourself in a position to buy them make sure you do! You won't regret it! Mine have lovely characters so am hoping if I get some more they might get it on in the new tank! Cue Barry White...... Lol :)

dbanner said:
Tbh I'm not one to go for small shoaling fish.. Not that there is anything particularly wrong with them iv just never felt the desire to keep such fish. Iv always been into predatory and interactive fish.

Predatory being things like piranhas, bichirs, Lima shovelnose... Interactive being cichlids like oscars, jack dempseys and now my FLowerhorn.

No denying your tank looks good and is going to look even better once you've upped the numbers of the fish :)

Wouldn't be brave enough to keep a piranha and I think the chillis would have a heart attack if they saw a cichlid coming their way! Lol thanks for the kind comments on the tank, been a lot of effort think I have been to every aquatic store in the area on the quest for awesome tank stuff!
Piranhas aren't as bad as what people think or make them out to be. They are actually shy and skittish. Although I did have a psycho 1 that killed and ate my 3 other piranhas and then took his aggression out on me lol he was soon rehomed.

Cichlids again should be kept in a species only tank (if the tanks big enough for a community) I have my Flowerhorn alone in a 125gallon.

Definitely 2 kinds of fish not to be kept with galaxy's and so on lol

Yes i too have found myself going to numerous fish stores in order to get what I want. All worth it in the end though, once you sit back and look at your tank when it's looking how you want it... Great feeling :good:

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