everyone's got a pet that does...

I used to have a cat that would get excited when you said 'pizza' because she loved pinapple!

Another cat i had would stick out her tongue and the more you would pet her the happier she would get the futher her tonge would stick out...it could get out to about an inch! Some of my other cats inherited the behaviour while she was around. :p

A male cat I used to have would groom your hair as he sat on the back of the couch. :dunno: He was sort of motherly even to the kittens.

I used to have MANY cats as my mother bred persians they were all a little messed up and quirky. I no longer have any cats... I am not really a cat person... more of a fish person!
I used to have a cat that when we were painting and laid plastic down on the floors it would run up and down the plastic in the hallway like a runway and run into each wall with a loud *BOOM* thus he got the name Boomer.

I also had a cat that was terrified of my mom's purple boots. Everytime he saw them he would flail his arms around violently and run the opposite direction.
StanTheBetta said:
I used to have a cat that when we were painting and laid plastic down on the floors it would run up and down the plastic in the hallway like a runway and run into each wall with a loud *BOOM* thus he got the name Boomer.
-That's funny

I will tell my dog to fetch the ball and he will go in search of it. When he gets it, he runs up to me. I stand still, he will then nudge with his face at my thigh while making these weird alien noise can't describe it but it's soooooooo funny.
My dog used to howl when I took clairnet. Must of bothered her ears. My older dog is like a lifeguard for our pool. She runs around our pool,and barks when we do something that doenst look safe.
My boxer Delilah blows spit bubbles when you eat in front of her.
I had a cat that LOVED bags (as all cats do i supose) but i would anchor a plastic bag to the floor then point a fan at it to keep it open and he loved crawling in there.

then there's this:


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lol thats a great, out cat hasn't drunk out the toilet yet but she'll jump in the bath to get any water from by the drain hole and if u leave the tap running she'll jump up and drink from that.

She also tends to sit in the strangest/most awkward places.

edit...bit big..


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One of my cats wanders around the house barking like a little dog when the food bowl is getting low or the litter box is too dirty for her tastes.

My other cat drools, like Homer Simpson over a donut, when you pet her for a minute or 2 !!!
Our dog spyke (he is a cross bread collie german shepherd and is a major coward), goes mad when you say 'cats, find those cats'. He runs around the living room, goes to the window to look out, when he is satisfied he has 'seen off' the cat he runs up to me and then to my husband wimpering like mad. If he can't see a cat then he is confused, when he gets confused he runs around the living room looking for the cat, he will then pick up a balloon or a ball or something else he can 'see off' instead because the cat can't be found. We always say it to him to confuse him, he is not the brightest dog but he is funny.
The other funny thing he does is if you are petting him and he wants to play (you need 2 people and a dog for this game) doggy in the middle he will give one person his head and aim his tail at the other person. If you get hold of his tail (this may sound cruel but it is getting hold of the tail not pulling it!!!!) he will spin round giving the other person access to his tail whilst grabbing the original persons hand who has just taken hold of his tail. He will do this until either we give up or he gets dizzy. Normally it is the first option, we give up long before he gets dizzy or fed up. If he gets fed up first he will sit on his tail whilst chewing mine or my hubbys hand. :rofl:
He does other strange things but these are the 2 funniest. Both really have to be seen.

We used to have a mongrel who used to sing to the coronation street theme tune. I never really watched this programme we stumbled across this by pure accident and ever since we found out we used to put the beginning of coronation street on just so we could laugh at the dog. She only did it at the beginning theme tune and not at the end. The tune must be slightly different tone or something. :rolleyes:
tilly speaks to me ... it's a bit of a rigmarole - but she comes to me crying making little whining noises. Then she sits and pats me. Then i hafta say: 'do you want to go out?' *pause* 'do you want your dinner *pause* 'is it cos u love your mum' *pause*

Whichever thing it is shes trying to tell me, insert a pat and a whiny 'hmmmmmm' noise

ppl thnk i've just trained her to pat me when i speak... but she ALWAYS pats for the thing she wants - a wee or her dinner, (for example she pats me for dinner if it gets past about 6.30pm, cos shes normally fed around 6)


L x
One of my dogs Ricco is addicted to shreddies. If you go near the box he starts doing this cute little dance. He always gets them at 7pm, and if hes a good boy while were cleaning his ears or bathing him ect. So one day we could tell he wanted some, but it was way to early. So my boyfreind tells him "no buddie its too early." Then not 5 min. later he comes over sits right in front of the tv and starts frantically scratching his ear. So Mike (my bf) gets up and cleans his ears for him, which of course ends with getting shreddies. And suddenly the realization came that he had outsmarted us, and found a way to get his shreddies at 5:30.
soooooo cute. I nearly died laughing. :rofl:
Our dog spyke (he is a cross bread collie german shepherd and is a major coward), goes mad when you say 'cats, find those cats'.

Thats just like our chocolate labrador Charlie! She goes mad when you say "Where's the rabbits?! Where's the rabbits?!" She runs up to one end of the conservatory, round the table, down to the other end then crashes into the door making it bend right out! then the whole thing starts again till we open the door, then she rampages round the garden round and round crashing into the kitchen door at full pelt and starting again. She doesnt seem to mind but the doors probably wont take much more of it :p
My dog digger goes nuts when you say Squirrel! She starts barking, whini ng and making strange noises. Then she stands by the back door all jumpy and twitchy. Then when you open the door she flies out barking and growling and looking for the "Squirrel" Very entertaining. My purple spotted gudgeon "Mo" Will stare at me when i lay down in my bed. Then I get up and he gets all jumpy and twitchy. He is the fattest fish in the tank and usually the hungryest. In memory of Boss the betta, I will say this on his behalf. When I was near his tank or even in the room he would try to swim through the glass to get to me. Up down left and right he wanted my attention. Then I'd come over and he'd just stare at me, and then the surface, me, the surface as if to say feed me or I'll eat you!!! He was a brave dude. If I tried to spook him he wouldn't flinch, neither will his girlfriend (she misses him too) and then he'd just give me this look like "okay, my owner lost it, now he has to feed me" God I miss that fish :sad: Maybe his replacement will be a reincarnation of him. Forget it tho, that never happens :sad: But who can say? :shifty:
When my mini poodle Bentley wants to play, he will pick up his squeaky toy and sit on the floor infront of the couch and start growling at me, if i ignore him he proceeds to start barking at me, and if i still ignore him, he jumps on my lap and starts nudging my hand with his nose.

He's such a cutie pie!

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