everyone's got a pet that does...

pandora's lily

Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2004
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in a chair...
well i have a three year old tiger cat that loves to eat cheerios, its his favorite type of food... :huh:
i also have a horse that starts to chew her tongue whenever she hears the sound of grain... :whistle:
another colt that holds his right foreleg at chest height for the entire time that he's eating... :blink:
one of my bettas starts to twist himself in circles whenever he would like to be fed... :D

i wanna hear, anyone else have pets that have weird habits...? :hyper:
i have a baby budgie that use to crawl under the newspaper of his cage like a fort when he slept.... sometimes i'd hear him talking to himself......... :blink: :lol:
now he sits on his swing and rocks himself to sleep every night :wub:
when he wants out of his cage he does full summer-salts on the perch then runs back and forth bobbing his head saying "pickle (his name) good boy, good boy pickle, pretty bird, pickle up? pickle up? good boy pickle....." :rofl:

my guinea pig does lots of tricks and comes when you call him but my favorite is probably when he begs and stands on his tippy toes standing straight up in the air exposing his fat little belly and buck teeth

my cat does lots of funny things, my personal favorite is when he is being a "wild man" :shifty:
the funniest thing about it is that he is a pure bred persian so he is the laziest, most domesticated show cat who has no instincts (like hunting or landing on his feet) so just imagine when he gets into his moods where you see this huge ball of downy fluff go flying past your feet and up the side of the chair, then jump off of it flying half way across the room, his fuzz flapping and bouncing in the wind :rofl:
we all say "here comes the wild men, oh he is soooooo fast and manly :rolleyes: " which just gets him going more

i have alot more funny animals but i think i have to limit myself somewhere :*)
well, at dinner time, my min pin jumps straight up and down, she gets pretty high too, and yodels until i feed her (what the downstairs neighbors must think... :lol: )
my cat insists on sleeping around the top of my head at night and will wrap his paw across my forehead. he also protects me from the laser pointer bug (its a must see thing really).
my dog can play with the hose all day long, we squirt it at her and she just goes crazy at the water and then later she throws up the water
my cat enjoys eating the dogs food and when he hears the sink running he jumps up and drinks from it.
my dog licks the air when u patt her back by her tail and my clown knife will pop his head out when im playing sony and watch me then when he sees me looking at him he goes back behind the rock until im not looking......my other dog who looks like a skunk gets sprayed by skunks constantly its been almost 20 times and we think she trys to mate with them
i think the wierdest thing one of my cats snowy does is sometimes when hes really bored he'll go into the bathroom sit on the counter and flush the toilet to watch the water go down its really quite cute
My dog Cheech has allergies and she's always itchy. She started itching her butt on the floor,(NOT SCOOTING! :lol: ) She sits down,spreads her back legs apart,and twists herself back and forth yipping really loud until she's satisfied her butt doesn't itch anymore. We make fun of her when she does it and she yips even louder. She looks like she's trying to drill her ass through the floor! :rofl:
she also rolls around the floor maing noises. she sounds like a pig. she just does it out of the blue, 1 minute she's just laying on the floor then the next she's acting like a pig. litterally!!!!!!!! lol :lol: :rofl: (this is kind of how she rolls around!!)
My basset baxter will flop down on the floor and have little spasms to scratch his back then he'll get up go to a new spot and do it again.

My cockatiel starts singing as loud as he can every time I play my guitar which is very annoying.

My cat bites and licks my nose if I scratch the base of her tail.

My betta does the "betta food dance"

my tortoise farts... he also hisses at me when I kiss him on the head but always walks up to me and wants me to kiss his head again...

My rat likes to bite the dogs

My great dane belle goes up to the door when I lock her in the room or outside and snorts through the crack in the door so all you hear is really heavy breathing lmao. She also hits the doornob with her nose when she wants to go potty.
heh my dog licks the air when you scratch her bum too :)

There are shelves on the wall under my window, under these is my bed. Lately, my new kitty likes to jump up there, always between 7:30 & 8 a.m., and knock whatever he can find down on me. I'm not a morning person, hehe.

My other kitty loves to try & cover up anything that he finds "stinky". This one time our dog had an, um, accident. Kitty covered it up w/ important papers, & it was stepped upon :( Also, while drinking he sits there, using the "covering up" motions w/ his paws, usually making a mess. I'm still not sure why he does that one...
Well...my cat Sammi like to do laps around me when I am laying down in bed...really annoying, especially when he pulls my hair (I have long hair).

Jesse loves to play fetch. I buy him big sparkle pom pom balls...he drops them in his water bowl and then brings them over because they go further when they are wet.

I just got a new Ferret, he's only 8 weeks old or so, so everything he does is funny. He's not very coordinated, so sometimes he just flops over.

Now, the three of them playing is quite a sight. Sam and Jess like to play, and they run around my tiny apartment at full speed. Well, Oliver (ferret) tries to keep up with them. Sam and Jess go zooming by, and 5 mins later (exageration) here come Oliver hopping along. It is quite funny.


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