Establishing filter for second tank.


New Member
Oct 8, 2016
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Now that I have my 40 gallon (which I thought was 30) up and running and full of fish, it is time to establish my filter for my second tank.

Tank #2 is 15 gallon.

I have placed an Elite Hush 20 onto my 40 gallon to establish beneficial bacteria into the media.

Hiw long should I run this filter before moving it to my 15 gallon tank?
Now that I have my 40 gallon (which I thought was 30) up and running and full of fish, it is time to establish my filter for my second tank.

Tank #2 is 15 gallon.

I have placed an Elite Hush 20 onto my 40 gallon to establish beneficial bacteria into the media.

Hiw long should I run this filter before moving it to my 15 gallon tank?
Another way is to place the new filter in the second tank and perhaps a portion of filter media from your established into the back of your new filter. I've seen pictures where people also get a sort of mesh bag and tie some old filter media with beneficial bacteria from another tank and place it inside the new tank like hanging from a wall or just sitting on a decoration.
And another way is to also put the new filter in the new tank and 'clean' your old filter media in the new tank water. It will look a bit gross, but you will be seeding the new tank with all sorts of beneficials.
Right, seed the second tank with media from the first tank, and follow with ammonia for fish-less cycle in hopes the cycle completes faster.

But the old tank only finished it's cycle a couple weeks ago, and so removing the media may cause a negative effect.

I will just leave the filter on the bug tank for a couple weeks and then transfer to the small tank. This will have the small filter partly seeded and give it a cycle boost when I move it to the small tank, still requiring diligence in assuring the cycle is complete before adding fish.

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