Esha Products And Water Conditioners


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Nov 28, 2006
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Teesside, UK
I have used eSHa 2000 when necessary over the years and have finally noticed that the instructions say to do a water change before using it if you have used any water conditioners. I have looked at eSHa's website and in the advice section under the heading water conditioners, it says
However when used excessively, because of their strong binding capacities, water conditioners (de-chlorinators, heavy metal binders, etc.) can potentially decrease the effectiveness of products such as disease treatments
I get the impression from the site that they think you shouldn't use water conditioners. They say there shouldn't be any heavy metals in tapwater so you don't need to remove them. That chlorine can be removed by using an airstone in the bucket or filling the tank with a watering can. But there is no mention of what to do if you have chloramine in your tapwater. I do notice that eSHa don't make a water conditioner!
Does anyone else use eSHa products, and what do you do about water conditioners? Is it eSHa just going over the top? It does start off by saying that used correctly water conditioners cause no problems, it's using them excessively that could. But then they continue by implying you shouldn't be using a water conditioner at all.
I do know that in a mature tank, water changes without anything to remove chlorine is acceptable practice. But with shrimps and snails, I am reluctant to risk them doing water changes without something to remove any potential copper. I know there shouldn't be any, but I can't bring myself to completely trust any water company.
Just my personal thoughts
I don't think they are saying not to use water conditioners, they are "covering themselves" against any claims of product failure to "do what it says" or produce further problems while using these products, outlined here...
"Under normal circumstances and dosages water conditioners cause no problems. However when used excessively, because of their strong binding capacities, water conditioners (de-chlorinators, heavy metal binders, etc.) can potentially decrease the effectiveness of products such as disease treatments, algae / snail treatments, etc. or even give rise to reactions."
This I think is just cautionary advice, particularly when reading this section..
"They bind not only chlorine and heavy metals, but also the active components in products such as disease treatments and algae/snail treatments - and not just the left-over components, as is sometimes claimed. Unfortunately, a water conditioner cannot differentiate between 'useful' active components in an aquarium and the residue."
Which yes I can see the logic behind that, any left over dechlorinator may affect the amount of medication. This I believe is to cover for those people who (like me) do not measure out the exact litreage of water removed from the tank. eg if you have a 400l tank and remove 200l you can easily put back in 197l and not really notice the 3 l and therefore "over dechlorinate" by 3l.
Also there are many different dechlorinators on the market, each having slightly different ingredients (some make the fish produce more stress coat, some include "nitrifying bacteria", some include chemicals to remove ammonia etc). To manufacture any medication to compatible with all dechlorinators would be pretty impossible, chemicals react with chemicals, which is why most medications state not to do a wc while treating.
Yes I use ehsa products, I think they are great and get the best results in the fastest time.
I must admit that I'd never noticed the comment in the eSHa 2000 leaflet before, it was only when someone mentioned it to me when they got eSHa Exit, which says the same thing,that I looked. I use a water conditioner which contains only thiosulphate (for chlorine) and EDTA (for metals), no ammonia detoxifier, nothing to 'aid the slime coat'. And I use it at exactly the dosage stated in each bucket of new water.
I'm going to carry on using my water conditioner and using eSHa products if they become necessary
I change approx 1600l of water a week on my tanks, dechlorinating each litre by bucket would be impossible lol, the times I have used esha products I have never had a problem and would happily continue to do so also :D

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