Eheim Filter Media.. What To Use?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2012
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Just a general question about my Eheim. I bought my tank second hand ages ago now and I have never really known what goes in the filter. Having stuggled with Nitrates for a while now and recently lost a fish I thought I would look a little more into it. Could anyone go through the ins and outs to what should be in the trays in the eheim and the empty bottom of it please I would be very grateful. At the moment there are some disc shaped objects in the bottom tray and in the middle tray there is wool and a course pad.

I am looking up Eheim Ehfi Substrate, Eheim BioMech and Ehfisynth, but in all honesty I have absolutely no idea why and what order it should be in and how much I should be buying.

Thanks :)
Eheim BioMech - Biological & mechanical filtration media to trap and degrade waste products

Eheim Ehfi Substrat - Purely a biological fiter media to provide a 'home' for beneficial bacteria

Eheim Ehfi Synth - Ultra fine mechanical filter media to trap smaller particulate matter

Order should be (from bottom to top) BioMech, Substrat then Synth. There are other media available such as Karbon & Aktiv which go in between the Substrate and Synth to adsorb chemical pollutants (these need replaced frequently though).

The space at the bottom under the first tray in sequence is there to allow any sand, etc. to collect so it doesn't clog the impeller.

You do not have to use Eheim stuff but ensure a good mix of mechanical & biological media is used if this is your only filtration method (and in sequence of mechanical to biological as you go up the filter)

Just thought this might interest you
Just a general question about my Eheim. I bought my tank second hand ages ago now and I have never really known what goes in the filter. Having stuggled with Nitrates for a while now and recently lost a fish I thought I would look a little more into it. Could anyone go through the ins and outs to what should be in the trays in the eheim and the empty bottom of it please I would be very grateful. At the moment there are some disc shaped objects in the bottom tray and in the middle tray there is wool and a course pad.

I am looking up Eheim Ehfi Substrate, Eheim BioMech and Ehfisynth, but in all honesty I have absolutely no idea why and what order it should be in and how much I should be buying.

Thanks :)
ok. Bio Mech or Ehfi Mech, goes in the bottom tray, which is topped off with a blue sponge pad.
next up goes the Ehfi substrate (I'd strongly suggest Ehfi substrate pro though) goes in the next one or two (filter dependent) this is topped off with a white pad.
I've never had the need for Ehfi Synth, but you would need a three tray filter to use it, anyway. so it would go in the top try. (this is an optional extra)

i dont know your filter model, but Eheim do "Media kits" for each of their filters.
this is, often, the most cost effective way to buy it.
i note all these kits consist of:
Ehfi Mech,
Ehfi Substrate pro,
and the filter pads

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